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Ever heard the saying "Too much of anything is not good"? I am sure you must have heard is somewhere before. Anyways, it is one saying I constantly have to remind myself of whenever I try to work on any aspect of my life. Talking about sugar according to this topic, the only time sugar becomes harmful to the body is when it is excessive. This is to further let us realize that moderacy is actually so important. The same way too much sugar can be a problem, running away from it too much can also become a problem.
I have a personal experience about this, allow me to share it briefly. So, there was this period in my life when I was running from anything sugary, I even went on a no soda and drink journey and if I were ever in a state to take liquid, I would just go for water instead. It went on and on like that until a day I just suddenly started feeling a sort of way. I was on my way out with my mom when I almost fainted and when I regained consciousness, I started running high temperature and had to be rushed to the hospital. Results showed that I had malaria symptoms and that my sugar level was also very low. I was forced to take a carbonated drink by my mom on that day.

So, what I am saying in essence is that SUGAR IS ACTUALLY NOT BAD, we just have to take it in the right proportion. The body needs sugar sometimes and when it has had enough, we should learn to stop. A balanced diet and general healthy eating will go a long way. If I want to be honest, I will want to admit that it might be a bit hard to eat healthy all the time. Infact, eating healthy can be quite expensive considering the state of the economy. You and I know that it's the sugary foods that turn out to be the most affordable, it can be so tempting!

I guees the key to eating healthy and keeping our sugar consumption level at an average rate is by doing it intentionally. Intentionality is key because you will be putting your mind to the fact that you want to watch what you eat and not just go with whatever is available.
As for me, I don't eat too much sugar but then, it is not an intentional act per say. I ate normal foods most of the times and when I crave ice cream, soft drinks or anything sugary, I only take them when I am able to. It is not everytime I get to satisfy my craving and that's okay by me, for real.
If there is no sugar in certain drinks, I would definitely drink them because why not? I don't know how to explain it but I like it when something isn't sweet but still satisfying in a way. That doesn't mean I do not love sweet things, I am just not crazy about it and it's not something my body is used to and demands every now and then. I just flow with the vibe, but I will do better in coming months. I would love to eat healthy and I am so sure I would glow differently.
Thanks for reading ❤️
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