in Hive Learners11 months ago

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Sometimes I wonder why we wake up with full energy on some days and other days, you will barely be able to lift a finger. I don't know if it's a thing that happens to everyone but there are days that I can do any kind of chore and there are days I wouldn't want to do anything at all. I had an experience between yesterday and today and it kind of convinces me that we are solely responsible about how our days go and our level of productivity, regardless how we wake up to feel or how we feel generally.

I didn't wake up feeling a super great energy within me but I had my day planned the night before and that kind of saved me from staying idle and unproductive. I woke up an hour later than the time I had planned to wake up, so I just restrategized. I pulled out the jotter that I had written my to-do list and I started my day. This gave me direction for the entire day and as I was finishing one task, I ticked it off my list.


I had to attend to some things I didn't plan earlier and are unavoidable, so that kind of messed up my list because I couldn't do two tasks out of all the tasks. I had to go give a customer his package and I had to pick up a package at a park that was quite far from my house. I had to make a nice dinner when I got back as well, and at the end of the day, I was like super tired and exhausted. I had this deadline I had to meet, and I slept off immediately I did the assignment; I didn't get to make a to-do list for tooday.


This morning came and honestly, I felt quite okay but I couldn't get myself to do anything productive. I managed to create content for my business and I posted on my whatsapp status and tiktok though. I also went to the next street to make some enquiries about the wig I want to revamp. I got back and decided to take my bath, but because I joined you skincare people's community about a week ago😂💔, I applied this charcoal mask I bought and was waiting for it to dry. Guys, I slept off with it on my face😂 I even got late to an online meeting I was meant to attend.

It was when I woke up and took off my mask that I then went to take my bath. I can't even tell you the exact things I have been doing from then till this night. So, my day was just very scattered and even with the fact that I did some few things, it still feels like I had a really unproductive day. I will just make sure that I plan tomorrow ahead because I even have so much to do and I don't want to end up feeling so overwhelmed.

Anywayyyyy, I think planning one's day ahead is very underrated, you have takes you look forward to do and that changes everything. Even on days you don't feel like showing up, you still try to. I really do hope I will be able to incorporate this to my life because this is not even the time I can afford to have unproductive days🥺.

Thanks for reading❤️


Been productive I guess deals with when you achieve your daily task and how you can achieve your daily task is when you are able to manage your time effectively. So the more you can manage your time daily, you have the edge to be productive

You are absolutely right, time management is really important. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts ❤️