in Hive Learners11 months ago

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So I had this really funny but scary experience many years ago. I was young then, but I just can't remember the specific age I was. I went out with my mom and uncle to this particular office that very. I had been to the office before, so I knew I wasn't exactly interested in the activities that goes on there. I told my mom and uncle that I would wait in the car for them, since they said they just wanted to buy some products and that they were not going to stay long at all.

The door of the car was opened before they left and I was playing all by myself, waiting for them. At a point, I entered the car, closed the door and continued having fun (Mind you, all the windows were up). Several minutes later, I noticed that I was already feeling uncomfortable and before I knew it, I started sweating little by little. I didn't attempt opening the door because I was afraid the car would start making noise. You know all those cars that has this sensor that alerts the owner whenever anyone bumps into it (I don't know what it is called).

I started finding it very hard to breathe and it seemed like I was breathing back the air I was breathing out. I keep looking through the window to see if my uncle and mom were coming already so that they can just open the door without any drama happening. I was sweating profusely at this point and I was just praying to God that they would show up. Lol, hope is indeed a cruel torture because I kept hoping that the next minute will be when they leave the office and come and rescue me.


Thinking about it now, I laugh at my dumbness and how my survival instincts were just ZERO then!. Because, for real, "AFRAID OF THE CAR MAKING NOISE?"; that was such a dumb excuse to lose one's life, lol. Well, I eventually got lucky because my uncle needed to grab something in the car and he came around. He unlocked the car and I opened the door, to take in some fresh air without my uncle what had just happened to me. He probably thought I was sweating bcause of heat, I think he even mentioned that.

I followed him back to the office and I felt a lot better. I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't come; would I have left myself to die and still not opened that door regardless of the drama it would cause? Lol, I really do not know the answer to it.


This incident is one of the near-death experiences I have ever had and it was very scary. Another one I had was when I was almost hit by this bike that was overspeeding and I didn't see coming. It was so close that people shouted, I couldn't look back because I felt so numb. I even thought it was my spirit walking away and my body was laying on the floor, waiting for me to look back😂

Thanks for reading❤️


Children are innocent and that's how you know it. Maybe you never liked the sound of the siren the car always makes when it is touched and that's why you didn't want to be a reason for it.

I'm happy your uncle came just in time and saved you even without him knowing it 🥰.

Lucky me o, I was so glad he came around. I don't even know why I panicked so much about the car making any sound.

That happened to prove how innocent you were 🥰, I'm glad you didn't suffocate inside the car for too long before your uncle came.

I'm glad too🥺🥺


Thank God your uncle showed up just in time, children can be very childish at times.

The same thing happened to me sometime last year, I was inside my cousin's car with my son and her daughter, we were leaving her house, so she stepped out to open her gate and by mistake, the car doors got jammed.

I tried opening it, but I couldn't, and immediately I started sweating, I was looking at my cousin as she was walking away towards the gate and she was making calls on her phone so calling her was out of it.

It wasn't a cool experience, at all. We remained there until about a few minutes before she came back tit o open for us.

Cheers to us for surving that, from a fellow #dreemerforlife

Oh my, that must have been scary, especially because of the children. I am sure if you called your cousin, she would have wondered why and turned back. I'm just glad you all were okay🥺

Omo, I was so scared that day, looking at the kids and terrible things going on in my brain, not knowing how long we can last inside the car without air is very troubling.

I shouted but my voice could not be heard outside of the car.

Thank you !LUV, I'm so glad the whole situation did not last long and that we are okay.

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I am really glad too🥺

Afraid of the car making a sound, it's kind of funny though😁, I think it is because no air was entering the vehicle at the moment everywhere was closed no AC, I think that was the major cause of it.

I fear bikes a lot, I don't enter them as well cause I feel like it isn't balanced because of the way the tyres are being positioned.
Glad you survived all.

It was so dumbbbb😂😭 and yeah, air was not flowing at all, all the windows were shut.

Thank you so much for stopping by❤️

That must have been so scary for the younger you. Poor dear! I can completely understand that you thought opening door would make a mistake. As a kid we sometimes take some things as a critical which is silly when we think about it later. Partly it is fear of what the adults might get angry about.

So glad that your uncle came in time.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

You understand perfectly 🥺🥺 I am also glad he came around eventually.

Thank you so much for your comment

Being a child can be something else. We are so used to people doing stuff for us we get lost on such situations. Your uncle indeed saved your life.

Yeah, he was such an angel🥺

Such a thing happen to one of my little cousins many years ago. In her case, she got into the car herself and locked it unintentionally. She was probably there for over an hour. I don't remember. By the time we found her, she was sweating like she ran 19 miles, and was crying so much. I couldn't imagine how that much have been like for her.

Oh my🥺 It must have been super scary, especially for a little child. Thank God you found her and she was safe and sound. She must have been super scared because she wouldn't understand why she was feeling that way.

Oh, yes. She was very scared. But guess what happened minutes after when I got her out? She ate and continued playing like nothing happened before. Kids—such wonderful souls.

By the way, I submitted this post of yours to a community because I felt it needed more eyes and reactions.

Lol, they are indeed wonderful souls with no worries whatsover. They should just see food and be able to play, everything else is settled.

Oh, thank you so much, I really do appreciate❤️

I have always got suffocated in my dreams when I try to fight lol.

Sorry about that🥺

I bet yoy were so young then, so it wasn't a dumb excuse. It's not as if you've been taught what to do in such situation. You were probably afraid of your uncle coming outside to check why the car made noise. Thank God your uncle came on time to rescue you even though he wasn't aware of what happened.

You taught you were gone already😂😂

See, I don't know why I panicked so much about that car making noise that I had to risk my own safety. Survival instincts in the mud😭😂😂

Don't mind me😂😂 I remember making a joke out of it to a friend. I told him that it was probably my spirit that came to bid him farewell and maybe my body was still at camp😂😊💔 If you see the bad eyes he used to look at me ehn, I had to reassure him that I was just joking😂 Make he no slap me😂💔

Survival instincts in the mud


That was a serious joke though, why would make such scary joke😂

Lol, don't mind me🤣

That has happened to me before. I was hyperventilating, clutching at my chest and felt like my life was going away in front of me. I'm happy you scaled through. If I recounts my near death experiences, I wouldn't know where to start.

Damn, sorry you had to go through that, it is really horrible🥺 I'm glad you are still here standing strong❤️

I am, thank you. Hope you're doing well. Happy Sunday.🥰

I am doing great, thank you so much. Happy Sunday to you too✨️❤️

oh, the entry of an uncle saved a life, otherwise we would have lost a life. I have seen many people struggling with this car suffocation thing, the car industry should think about it.

I think the car can actually be opened easily once a person is inside. The only issue is when it comes to kids because they might not know what to do.

That shows you were a child and wasn't really schooled in survival instincts. Thank goodness you escaped being suffocated.


Yeah, thank God🥺

Making me remember my funny experience with my siblings I'm my uncle's car too
But we didn't lock ourselves in, my uncle did

I wasn't thinking of death though I was only thinking of how to stop sweating and find good air to breath


I am wondering why your uncle will even lock you in his car in the first place😩😩

We were actually going to visit our relatives so he stopped by to buy something