Classes resumed -for me- on Monday. We had resumed earlier but this was when I chose. I'm in my undergrate years in college. And it's going fine.

I just thought that maybe if I had seen this question some four/five years ago, I would have precise answers to give. This doesn't mean that I know not where am headed, cause stating the obvious, my career of studies should likely be the path I take.
In a country like mine, education is very important. Not minding that there are so many who have gone through the system who did not get to proceed in that career, but engage in businesses or acquire skills that have been instrumental to their survival.
Still, for the lack of knowing the higher-ups, education is a substitute. It's always been drummed into our eqrw from young ages. It's good to have the connections and the education too, even if you have a skill. You never know when your papers would come in handy.
The study path that I currently ply was never my choice. It just happened as with one of those things that our educational system here is able to manipulate. It's a good one but I haven't really thought about what to do after it.
Definitely, i look forward to furthering my education to the peak. In the moment, I just want to get through achieving this college degree and then make a choice on if I should forge ahead with continuing on this path or choosing a different study pathway.
At the moment, it's so obvious how beneficial getting all the necessary degrees can add value to a person's career and life. There's something about the workforce here that is imbalanced. In offering jobs, a person's contact in that firm is important, then his qualification. Besides, it's only fair that one who spends so much time and resource in acquiring knowledge in a field be granted better opportunities than one who didn't. But too, in certain cases, whether you are more skillful in the field than the one who went through formal education to learn of it, he still is considered first. I have my bias about that. But then, that's the situation we currently are in.
Also, I don't know if I should say that there are not so many jobs available for the large number of people leaving the school system yearly. It's a competition that those with better qualification win far easier.
As you see, there's some essential merits to getting the absolute best both in skill and education, out of my career. You know, the kind that you don't have to bother so much about not being second-guessed or an alternative. It actually gives a sense of security and opens you up to better. Even if you choose to be an employee or self-employed (as the case may be). And I want that for me.
So, in due time, given the opportunity, I would waste no minute to get the much knowledge I need to get to the zenith of whatever career I choose to pursue.
Thanks for gracing this post.