Reflecting is something I find myself doing all the time. I do it everyday when I'm about to go to bed, I asked myself questions about the day, I give myself answers, I pick the lessons from the event of the day and I thank God for it all, while I plan for the next day.
I do it weekly too, before the beginning of a new week. I find a time on Saturday evening or at night, with my diary, to look into the past events of the week, the good, the bad, the ugly and I pick my lessons and plan for the next week.
This has been like a normal thing for me in my growth journey for some time now. I'm not perfect in anyway, I'm only trying to get a better version of myself intensionally. I am trying to work towards a better me both physically and spiritually.
The past month for me was both sweet and sour I think that's a normal thing in life. You don't always get the sweetness all the time but which ever one is available at a particular time, I usually pick and learn my lessons and I celebrate my little wins.
About the month of March, I had some very big family issues to deal with that I thought only happens in the movies. I had some family issues that I never thought would ever happen to me. It is a very long story but the most important part of the whole situation is that I was able to navigate the issue and found a solution. A lasting one at that.
I didn't expect to be able to get to the root of the matter in few days, but I did and I'm very proud of myself.
I took two major life decisions last month and I am wowed. I have procrastinated taking that action for about two years now but I couldn't, giving myself excuses upon excuses telling myself why I can't take a legal action but I did last month and I'm so happy I did. It came with a lot of pain because it wasn't easy, But here we are.
I have also been procrastinating on visiting a place for months, I kept telling myself that I would go when I have this and that but the Easter celebration pushed me to the location because I had no excuse to give myself anymore. It was Easter, a month of sacrifice. I pushed all my excuses behind me and I moved.
From the whole scenario, I learnt two major life lessons. The first is to stop carrying these burdens alone, Don't always lock it in. there is always someone you can talk to that have something nice to tell you, that has a part of what you need as solution to your worries. The saying "A problem shared is half solved" is so true.
The other lesson is that "eat that frog" don't hold yourself back by procrastinating based on what you don't have yet. Find an excuse to give to your excuses when they won't allow you make a move.
Everything that happened last month are stories that I will take my time to share here. I have hope that with these big moves that I have been able to make, come what may, I won't look back. Forward ever, backward never.
This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic: The Past Month
Thanks for stopping, by I really appreciate you. Please let me know what you think in the comments.
All the pictures used are mine
Yours truly @aunty-tosin💕💕*