The safari ride..

in Hive Learners11 months ago

It was a beautiful day, and a few friends and I decided to go out for some fun. As we were wandering around, we came near an amusement park with various rides calling out to us. Among them was a swing called the Safari Swing, a towering structure that swung fast from top to bottom. It is really large and horrible even from its structure.

Image from pixaby

I knew this ride was not only going to test my courage but also make my heart race with fear because of how fast it swung up and down. So, I decided to stay away from the ride. We took pirate ship and train which was also so much fun but my friends insisted that we should try the safari ride. Despite my hesitation, they convinced me, and eventually, I agreed to go on the Safari Swing.

My gut feeling told me something bad might happen because I wasn't feeling confident about it. But it was also a crazy adventure for me, so I was a bit excited too. As we got closer, the sound of the swing and the screams of the people on it filled me with both fear and excitement. But I tried to stay strong and wait for my turn. There was a long queue of people waiting for their turn. I wondered at the moment that why people want only this one when there are hundreds of other swings. Maybe everyone loves risky adventures.

Finally, it was our turn. I sat in the seat and was strapped in tightly with a strong belt. The belt was supposed to keep me safe on the seat. As the swing started moving slowly upwards, my heart started beating faster, but I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

Suddenly, without any warning or alert, the swing jerked upside down and then quickly came down. It was at that moment that I screamed the loudest I ever had in my life. But even then, my heart was still racing, and I kept my eyes closed and kept screaming.

Image from pixaby

But it was about to get worse. As the swing went up again and then came down with another jerk, one side of my strap came completely loose. If I hadn't held onto the seat, it might have been my last day. As the swing slowed down and I fixed the strap, I realized how close I had come to death. But after that, neither did I had the feeling of fear from the swing nor i was having any fear. Maybe they say, 'When you have a headache, hit your foot with a hammer; you'll forget about the headache 😅

I couldn't stop thinking about what would have happened if I had died and how nobody there would have known what had happened to me or how I managed to come back. I didn't feel like telling anyone about it at that moment.

That ride taught me the importance of life. Life is precious, and we shouldn't take risks like this, especially if there are people who care about us. However, I also take pride in the fact that I didn't give up and faced the Safari Swing with bravery. But it's also true that the Safari Swing was the riskiest adventure of my life because I came so close to death.

Well, that's all from my side.



Sometimes risks are fun and exciting brother 😂. Sometimes it's good to take risk until even fear becomes afraid of us😂

When you have a headache, hit your foot with a hammer; you'll forget about the headache 😅

This really got me laughing 🤣

AJJAJAJAJ until fear has us afraid haha love the phrase, I need a t-shirt with that printed on it.

Yup, taking risk can be really risky too sometimes. Haha, so beautiful careful for your life.

Thanks for commenting

That was scary and I can picture what it felt like when the strap loosened, you must have seen your soul flashed at you within a second.

I am glad you end the journey there because I might not have met an amazing person like you on Hive.

I can't even express that scene in words. It was so horrible and terrifying.

You can't be too careful, because as you said, these swings are dangerous.

Really dangerous

Your being smart enough to know what to do shows the essence of understanding some safety measures. I have watch lots of videos of people taking that safari adventure leaving with a question if I can ever agree to do that for any amount. That adventure is risky and scary, I'm happy you acted fast.

Well, take a chance and go for it. Not everyone is gonna have bad luck. It was fun until the strap incident happened. Lol

That's really true. I can relate to encounters like that.

Nooo my friend the story is tremendous, at first I was going to comment something like how good it was that you got out of your comfort zone to experience fear in a safe way but the least there was was safety, I'm glad nothing serious happened but next time follow your hunch.

We can say it was bad luck. Like if that thing didn't happen, The experience might be totally different.

Thanks for showing up