I drink only one cup of coffee a day, it can be big or small, I'm happy anyway, of course, my coffee is with milk, a late vanilla or a coffee bonbon are the ones I love, if they have cookies even better! the picture I show you is proof of it, she had a Guayoyoyo coffee... but that's better explained by @aguamiel
I had to google coffee bombon since drinking coffee is relatevely new to me so there's a lot I dont know! I found that bombon coffee has condensed milk in it. Actually it sounds amazing and I have one condensed milk at home so I might try something on my own though 😁
There are several types of Bombón coffee, Bombón coffee, and Mocha Bombón coffee, the normal thing is black coffee, condensed milk, and evaporated milk, it is a delight! I highly recommend it, if you do it, invite me virtually!
Omg!!!😂 in the last ten minutes I searched for the Bombon coffee and watched a dozen short movies about it 😳 and I am literally obsessed to try it.
Tomorrow!🤎 Tmr its the day! I went downstairs only to check my kitchen cabinet, to make sure the condensed milk its still there. 😂 this shows how desperate I am to try it, because I am in bed, ready to sleep and went downstairs only for this. 😂
I'm curious to try it because I dont drink my coffee sweetened. However I like condensed milk so I dont know how it goes...anyways, I'm very enthusiastic about this one. I'll came back to you here, tell u my thoughts about this misterious bombon coffee. 😊
Ok, so I did the Bombon coffee this morning. It was ok, I mean it was really nice and a smooth texture, but too sweet for my taste. Tmr I'll try it again with just a quarter of the condensed milk I used today. I thought experience the whole thing until the end 😆. But its looking good though and for the ones that drink their coffee sweetened, this is a paradise. 🌴
I am attracted to coffees that look good. 😆
Anyways, in the end, I would love to have this from time to time and this recipe is one to keep in mind.
How beautiful it turned out with a poetic touch. Coffee truly inspires writing.
I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕
Lol I realized that too after reading all the comments and saw there are many like those haha. And I wanted to come back and say I realized its a gif haha 🤣🤣.
Anyways, the thing that got me thinking that its not a gif is that I actually have a coffee cup exactly like that, similar 90%. Its an old one, really really special and antique.
Thanks though for noticing me that I'm all wrong 😘🤣🤣
Wow! So womderful they are. I really think they're very beautiful, especially the last one. Let me se if I can find my cup.
These more vintage sort of cups are a bit special because now you cant find them really anyways. I think mine is more a tea cup, maybe yours too. I can't tell the differece and didnt study the topic but anyways, no matter if they're tea or coffee cups, I love them 🥰
You like your coffee sweet. I like mine black, no sugar. But when I was younger and had a sweeter soul, haha, I liked sweet latte.
I will always be a fan of sweet milk coffee and if it has chocolate, even better!
One cup, that's fine, everyone requires their ideal dose, I don't think mine can hold a single cup, I would wander around 😅☕☕☕
My goal is to test abstention in the afternoons and evenings, when I fall into temptation, one point less and penance. Greetings