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RE: CLOSED - Coffee Conversation: Event 59

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year

My usual coffee dose is about 3-4 cups a day. Sometimes they are 5, but I barely have a day with more coffee than this. It’s not about the caffeine intake, but about money…

Specialty coffee that I am usually consuming most of the time is a bit pricey and bidder daily dose will mean that I have to spend more than $150 per month for coffee… All of it prepared entirely at home. 🙄 I can spend on cheaper beans, but there will be no pleasure in consuming robusta dark roasts. It is not my coffee…

The wise decision (for now) is to stick to these 3-4 cups per day. 😝


It's too bad that good coffee is so expensive over there. I also prefer good coffee, spending more money, but being happy and content, instead of something cheap and disappointed.

I have no doubts in my decision to buy only specialty coffee. It gives me something different, flavor wise, and this keeps me up and happy all the time!

This is how it should be at all times, enjoy your coffee, greetings

Better to have little good coffee than a lot of burnt coffee. Right now I'm paying less than $10 for 1 kilo of regular medium roast beans. I buy 3-4 bags a month because I carry my 1.5 liter thermos almost full of coffee every other day for my classes; I like to share it with everyone, which I wouldn't be able to do if I bought specialty coffee, which by the way, I haven't bought since August of last year.

How much coffee is that? 70 ml or more?

Specialty coffee is my addiction and I think it is more than two years since I bought my last bag of commercial coffee… 😇

$10 per kg is amazing and I am sure that there is some coffee that is really good for the price. Maybe here in Bulgaria it is more difficult to find good quality beans for about this price, because we are relatively far from the coffee producing countries.

Are your question about the coffee in my photo? I think this has to be about 50-60 ml… It is a double shot espresso.

Are your question about the coffee in my photo? I think this has to be about 50-60 ml… It is a double shot espresso.


I think that's a good measure for specilty coffee. I'd sip it slowly, really slowly 🐌 😂

If you have the possibility my friend @mdosev, enjoy every day the coffee that satisfies your senses.

Thanks a lot! Coffee is the ultimate way to become happier!