Me, as a parent of three kids… and my wife, really don’t know what is to have an hour when we have nothing to do, and here we have 24 hours! First of all, it will be the longest 24 hours of our life. The all-day-action really speeds the things up a lot!
Our wake up time would be shifted from 6:30 to 10:30-11 AM, then comes the first dose of coffee! Maybe filter, because the day is so calm and peaceful. 11:30 AM comes the Breakfast, and after that the second coffee… maybe espresso for a bit different feeling. Having V60s all day long would be a bit boring.
What about a third coffee before we go for an afternoon nap at 1:30.
Wow… there is no one to wake us up and it is already 5 pm. Time for a coffee. It should be a quick one, because it is time for beer too! Or maybe I should take both. The espresso goes for about two minutes and the beer needs 5 more… Time for a dinner before we go to bed!
Done! 😁