One of the things I have always dreamed of, for a long time, is to open my own coffee shop, I imagine those places I see in movies or series, and I get transported, I dream, to have a place like that, with a good atmosphere, with live music.
I like coffee, since I got a taste for it, to drink my coffee every morning, it is difficult to give up that vice, it is like an addiction, if you stop, you spend the day badly, that's how it happens to me, you feel like you are missing something, I don't know if it happens to you, but it is like that.
Responding a little to the proposed theme of this week #TheCoffeeShopPrompt, Have you ever worked as a barista or would you consider doing it?, definitely yes, I have thought about it several times, when I see on the networks publications of barista courses, it catches my attention, because I remember seeing those cups so colorful and distinctive, and I wonder how they do it, you have to be very professional, and of course, knowing how to prepare the coffee, with its exact point.
Maybe it doesn't have much science, or maybe it does, but without a doubt, you have to be an expert in the subject, especially in the design part, at the moment of creating those drawings, those phrases, on the top of the coffee, it is something that without a doubt requires a certain technique, dedication, delicacy, and as I said, only a professional, or someone who has a lot of experience doing it, can create this, without a problem.
The job of barista is definitely for someone who likes it, who is a good coffee lover, in this case, who loves to create, innovate, and enjoy, not only designing, but exploring rich flavors, loaded with lots of caffeine, so when I imagine having my own coffee shop, this is something that I should definitely learn, to do it myself, and give it more personality.
It is something that of course, I would love to explore this area, who knows, I might become a great barista, as a good coffee lover, and succeed with my dream of having my own coffee shop.😍
It's been a long time since I'm going to enjoy a nice cup of coffee, with these nice decorations, I've been fulfilling my medical rest, but well, I hope soon, I can give me that pleasure again, and bring you new images, while I leave you these, from my previous visits.
I hope I have fulfilled the theme, that it is to your liking, a pleasure to share, here again with you, beautiful community of #CinnamonCupCoffee.

Pictures: Photos Tecno Pop 7/Gallery
Translation/Traducción:👉 DeepL Traductor
Edition/Edición:Cover and banner with Canva /Portada y banner con Canva