Greetings Cinnamon Cup Coffee friends
Several years ago, I went to visit a friend who lived in the same city as me. These encounters were quite frequent, as we were and are what we call “best friends” or in more colloquial language, “compinches”,
After sharing a couple of hours, catching up on our stories of children, husbands and various situations, accompanied by several cups of rich and aromatic coffee, it was time to say goodbye.
She lived in a building that in front had a long square, she accompanied me downstairs and as was our custom, the goodbye between talk and talk was extended for half an hour more next to my car.

We were walking along when I saw a young and handsome man coming with three puddle dogs or medium-sized poodles, of three different colors: one champagne colored, another one like caramel color and the last one dark colored but not black.
As I love this breed of dogs and the scene was really beautiful, I make my friend fix her attention on it. When she sees them she says to me: “Oh yes, that's a neighbor and the dogs are a love, let me call him so you can meet them.
When the boy approaches and the dogs are going crazy with my hugs, the young man says to one of the dogs:
- Guayoyoyo, calm down, stay still.
When I heard that name I burst out laughing and asked him for that name so familiar in our coffee slang. He answered me that the dogs are brothers and that when he went to buy one, he fell in love with those three and immediately associated them with the colors of coffee, clarifying that it was the beverage he is passionate about and that he always has it at his disposal when he arrives at his apartment, just like his dogs.
They all had brown shades, so he named them: Guarapo, Guayoyo and negrito.
An anecdote that caused me a lot of fun, let's see the difference between these three ways of preparing coffee.

Guarapo. This is the clearest version of coffee that can be offered, I clarify that it is coffee because the word is also used for any infusion. My mother-in-law, for example, drinks guarapo and when she comes to visit, she stresses to me: remember that I like it, it is aguarapado and I add more boiling water to her cup.
Guayoyoyo: It is a darker version than guarapo, but it is also a “watery” coffee, which according to my taste, lacks consistency, flavor, strength, but many people like it, so it is easy to hear, when asking for the coffee you want: Give me a guayoyito.
Nigger: Finally we have the negrito, which is a strong coffee full of flavor. In this we find different levels, for example, a visitor comes to visit you and the first thing you do is ask him if he wants a coffee and generally the person in two words tells you how he likes it, his answer can be: yes, give me a red negrito or give me a clear negrito. Both are strong coffees, but with different concentrations, what you can be sure of is that it is neither guayoyo nor guarapo.
There is another version which is the “café cerrero” and at least three distinctions of the “with milk”, but I will tell you about them on another occasion.

For the time being, as I write, I continue to enjoy my negrito claro. Greetings.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Fuente de imágenes: Portada: Archivo personal. Okra Create in Bing. IA,

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