in Cinnamon Cup Coffee7 months ago


Welcome to our curation compilation of sensational stories!

Community members around the globe contributed some fantastic original tales this week, centred around the one true elixir of life- coffee! We enjoyed the passion in these posts, and as all good coffee pals do, we wanted to share a cup of them with you!
Cinnamon Cup Coffee is centred around creating a virtual coffeehouse environment, which energizes its occupants with the digital ambience of coffee creativity. We hope you will adore these posts as much as we did.
If you find inspiration in them too, why not amplify the love? Sharing our joy through chatting with other authors is the next best thing to buying them a cup of coffee. What a perfect way to thank them for a great read!

Awesome Blogs Section.gif

Starting the day with a good cup of coffee and cookies


✨"I accepted the new job offer from said coffee shop because they guaranteed me an intensive barista course, something I have dreamed of for a long time, since I love the world of coffee and thus specialize in the things that I really like to do. I think that it is also an opportunity to be able to work in something that I really like, since my current job does not fulfill me enough. " @niggyayo

A special moment of love and enjoyment with this delicious Coffee with milk [Eng-Esp]


✨"Together with my great friend I was able to discover a great culinary experience so complete that includes bakery, pastry, confectionery and national and international cuisine, so I can say that over the years there have been many cups of coffee shared between the two. " @crisch23

Cold Latte Bombom


✨"This recipe is called cold latte bonbon and it caught my attention because it had an ingredient that I really like and that is condensed milk. For this recipe we don't need anything fancy, just three ingredients. " @lucianav

Plan A was always coffee! (Eng-Esp)


✨"I also took the opportunity to appreciate the place carefully. I had never been there before, and I was surprised how the decoration combined so many elements or a vintage vibe, a style that imitates the vast majority of establishments in the city without having a major impact." @claudiocruz



✨"After identifying myself, I explained the situation to the girl and she told me: "feel at ease, I am going to treat you better than my husband, besides I have already set up the coffee greca, would you like to wait for him and have a cup of coffee."." @tibilopez

Signature Menu Big Papa


✨"Can I rate the coffee I tried this time? I can only give it a score of 7 out of 10, which is quite strange but helped by the sweet taste of the syrup, I quite like it. Indeed, it tastes very different than a frappe or latte. Not too sweet but it tastes like coffee, cinnamon and caramel syrup which is not very pronounced." @isdarmady

A First Time Experience with Black Coffee


✨"As I took the cup into my mouth to gulp everything down to my throat, I felt this sharp bitterness in my tongue. My face changed instantly, the cup was still in my mouth as I couldn't take it off so I won't make them notice what had happened. " @princessbusayo

A Cappuccino & No Commotion!


✨"Now, the thing that keeps bugging me, is if the coffee actually was heavenly, or was it because I badly needed some coffee at that time to satiate my tastebuds and mood. Or maybe it is truly one of the best cappuccinos I've had in my lifetime?" @riz611

I'd Never be a Regular


✨"'Going for a coffee' is what 'going for a pint' is in the UK. It's part of our social life. Just got out of the surf? Head for a coffee. Catching up with mates? Go for a coffee. Popping into the nursery on a Saturday? Head for a coffee. Want to treat yourself? Head for a coffee.

" @riverflows

My Mushroom Coffee Journey


✨"The mushroom coffee however, I completely prefer it without anything else added to it! The mild chocolate aroma comes through when you are drinking it, and then it hits you with the earthy, mushroom flavor." @cmplxty

Thank you for checking out #TheGrind, 3Cs Coffee Curation of awesome coffee posts from the community.

If you are a coffee lover and looking for somewhere to share your experiences, please check out Cinnamon Cup Coffee and subscribe right here.

The Coffee Shop Prompt Real Stories and personal photography Thursday to Wednesday Coffee Conversation a Networking Commenting Event Saturday to Monday Spill The Beans a Creative Coffee Stories Wr.jpg



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Delegations to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community is welcome, by sending them to @cinnccf or @hive-152524, our community's account.


Thank u so much!!! 🥰🥰🥰. Let's keep sharing loffee!