It may not have been the most memorable coffee. I'm sure I've visited nicer, better lit cafes or with brighter tables. The cups in this cafe were simple disposable cups. But I was with my friend Reinaldo and my husband, and that is always memorable. We are close friends, with those friendships that are forged out of respect. My husband and I are godparents to his daughter, and Reinaldo was my student. One of the most brilliant and honest people I have ever met. He is now a friend and fellow professor at my university, although he works at a campus in another city.
I went to this mall by chance, because Reinaldo came to spend a day in my city to run some errands and we were both on the way. The place is called Express Mall and, I must say, his coffee surprised me.

I drank the first cup very quickly. With needed speed. The glass was empty before I could even think of taking a picture.
Then I thought, “Gee, if this place is rather bland, despite the effort the administrators have put into filling it with color, how will I take any good pictures here?” I'm a bad photographer, so the scenery has to help me, hahaha....

The pictures I put in this post are from the second round of coffees we ordered.

If I suck at taking pictures, I suck at taking selfies. The landscape doesn't help me...
No sooner had I thought this than I forgot, because the coffee was really good: a balanced cappuccino, no acidic or bitter notes in excess, a third of creamy milk, coffee with quite a bit of strength, and yet comfortable. It left a delicious aftertaste in every sip. I had no need to add sugar.

The conversation did justice to the coffee or viceversa. I was having a great time chatting with my friend and my husband about the style of literary chronicles and our thesis topics.
In addition, my husband brought our friend his latest novel, Warm Ruins, as a gift. My husband is a remarkable writer, though it is hardly credible for me to claim so.

It must also be said that my husband and reinaldo have some intelligent and funny conversations. Memorable, no doubt.

Thanks for the company. You are always welcome.