Hello Coffee lovers !
My relationship with coffee -
I'm not a regular coffee drinker, all credits to my mom. She argues-"You'll become a tea/coffee addict and won't be able to function without it."
Dad was good at spoiling us by quietly sneaking a coffee mug in our rooms :) and sometimes I tiptoed to the kitchen to make a coffee at 2 a.m.
The last time I saw my mom having tea, was 16 years ago when my brother was born, grandma carried tea to the hospital that's when she had it. Though she loves to have coffee twice or thrice a month, but that's it.
Today, caffeine was crying to go inside me... so I prepared a quick cold coffee. I am generally fine without milk but sometimes taste buds need to get off the monotony.
Here, I poured some milk. (Of course, animal based dairy is not worth creating a market demand for)

Mixed coffee powder, and crushed sugar.
Coffee powder has to be stored extra carefully in rainy season. My previous one lost its properties :(

It was a non foamy one this time but sufficient for some caffeine intake. The sugar : coffee ratio was perfect. This can be altered according to the state of mind.
Sometimes a strong black coffee with a blissful state of mind is too much to have, but I go for it when there are no options. In that case sugar is the savior. Slowly I've got used to the bitter taste : ) The other ones on the menu have udder secretions, so there's no chance of even saying a hello to them.
Thanks to Cinnamon Cup Coffee for being an ultimate stop for coffee and tea lovers.
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Photos are mine
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