Hello friends of
#fungifriday, good evening wherever you are.....
Today I feel very lucky because God still gives me the opportunity to explore the outdoors. So tonight I can be here, in our beloved community
#fungifriday. Well, today I managed to find a bjerkandera fumosa mushroom that has a very unique shape. Seen from the side, it looks like a tiered shelf. If we look from above, this mushroom looks like a flower that is blooming. I found this mushroom growing on a dead tree trunk that was starting to rot.
The pattern and color of this mushroom are very interesting, a tiered pattern, gray with bright white edges. A unique shape with the right combination of colors so that this mushroom can appear spectacularly like a natural carving located on top of the dead tree. This is truly an amazing sight. This mushroom is not only visually beautiful, but this mushroom manages to tell a story about how nature works in the recycling of life.
The mushroom that I found seems to have not grown long, seen from its color which is still very fresh. I was curious about its texture, I tried to touch it and it turned out that the texture of the flesh was very hard like wood. From here we can judge that this mushroom is not suitable for consumption. But with its hard texture, this mushroom will live longer. It also depends on the environment, if the environment is safe then this mushroom will survive until its body rots by itself.