Farming The Right Way. #pobphotocontest: Clouds

in Proof of Brain11 months ago

The Clouds Hold The Rain

The clouds hold the rain. The rain determines the growth of the crops; and the growth determines the productivity of the crop. 😀 That is the theory of a farmer.

I have learned by wisdom from above that there are four different techniques or procedures to watch out for when farming. Or should I say the four factors that determines productivity.

Farming does not necessarily refer to planting crops or rearing animals alone. There are many things we farm. In fact, you know that we farm crypto tokens too. Whatever business someone is into is an aspect of farming. To be sure we have the results we expect, we should consider these factors.

Don't Farm On The Wayside

The wayside is the part of the land which is not meant for farming. That is when farming there, you might not have any harvest. Whatever is planted on the wayside is being wasted. In the same vein, when one invests his money, or time, or energy, or any other resources in a wrong investment, that person is actually farming on the wayside. To farm productively, locate the right investment, make the proper preparation and farm there.

Don't Farm On The Stone

Farming on the stone is putting one’s resources into an unreliable investment. Those who engage in ponzi schemes are examples of those farming on stone. A stony ground can never support plant life.

Farming on stone could resemble doing business with dubious schemes and fraudulent activities. It could mean looking for fast money or easy money. Those who plant on stone can enjoy momentary gains which do not usually last.

Don't Farm Among Thorns

Thorns choke the life of the plants. They kill the plants. They don't allow the plant to grow. There are unwanted elements taking the place of the plants and eating the plants to death.

Every habit or engagement that kills our productivity is a thorn. Whatever you spend time or resources on which in turn kills your business is a thorn. Remove the thorns just as the farmer weeds out the thorns so that your business can excel.

Plant In The Fruitful Ground

To enjoy all the benefits and make all the profits you desire, plant on the right ground. Invest in the right business and do it well.