Lush greenery is a distant memory. These are some photographs of fresh-looking grass from our garden from a couple of months ago when there was still enough moisture around for a lovely covering of dew in the early morning. It hasn't rained since so the ground is bone-dry, we aren't getting dew at the moment and most of the grass is brown.
Everybody and everything is waiting for the green to return with the first rains. Every week tantilises with forecasts of possible showers coming through but somehow they always miss us and our 50-metre-long pond is virtually empty.
I know the lush greenery will return and bring with it a sense of rejuvenation but I do also wonder if droughts like this might become a more common experience as our climate gets angrier. Our current dryness is apparently linked to the El nino phenomenon, which makes me think finding enough water to the keep the garden's fruit and veg happy might be a struggle for the rest of the year.
One thing's for sure: when the rain does come back I will absolutely appreciate the fresh burst of green and never ever complain about having to cut the grass again!