in CLEAN PLANET2 months ago

Most times, we fail to realize that the cause of our downfall is us, ourselves but we do not actually know this. Sometimes, when you look at how big you have grown, you tend to want to relax and want some rest, maybe enjoy the little you have gathered, but at the course of doing this, the little you gathered will be lost without you realizing.

Little by little, the fortune you gather will just disappeat without your knowledge. I have come to learn that, there is no rest for a hustler. The moment you decide to seat down and rest, or maybe enjoy the little you have, thats when your body begin to automatically get comfortable with the enjoyment, and before you know it, the little wealth you gathered, has disappeared.

I have come to understand that, there is not amount of money that is enough. Even if you have trillions of dollars as your networth, you should keep the money safe, and go keep chasing that one dollar that is sitting around. If not, if you totally depend on the trillions, they will one day, finish and then, you will be sent back to where you started.

I'm still growing, and i hope to uncover more things. At this stage of financial development, many things are making sense to me, and i hope to be deciplined enough to focus.













Hello @nwothini335

I agree with everything written in your post. Like you said, a person should have discipline that how can I manage him with so much money that I have, how can I make him 1 for 2. If he thinks about these things then his money will run out.
It was great to come across your post.
Stay connected. have done a great job cleaning by picking up trash after trash. I admire your zeal. well done