Putting others interest at heart

in CLEAN PLANET4 months ago

Hi friends,

When one is the hand and leg of the family. You're bound to attend to emergencies planned and unplanned. Looking at the circumstances surrounding the the situation all one will do is give in and attend to whatever it is.

It's not easy to be the leg and hand of the family, for once you say you No to a request, it's seen as doing bad to the person in question asking for help. Most times the help to render might disrupt your own personal plans for the day.

That's why you achieve few plans a day with the interruptions happiness set in, one feels a little fulfilled for that day. With this i didn't forget to get a few of my plans in place.

Taking the streets of Aba a garbage grows every day. Even with the write up don't dump refuse here, most people find that place with warning a better place to dump. Infact the globe is suffering from this sickness. What is the best way to handle this has been the question of day. Let's save this planet.

Today I have come with some pictures of mine showing the little i did in picking garbage and disposing for revamping to take place when it needs to be done.



There is a lot of plastic stuck under the dry leaves but cleaning them up is a great job.