My Clean Planet Activity For Today 24/04/2024

in CLEAN PLANET10 months ago
Our heart is a beautiful place, that needed to be guided with so much love and care don't allowed bitterness unforgiveness Malice to occupy our heart, There is this story were told that a teacher asked the students to bring tomatoes to school tomorrow and one of them asked the teacher how many tomatoes are we to bring tomorrow and the teacher said according to the number of people you hate. So the next day some brought 5 others 4 while others 6 everyone according to the numbers of hatred the carried. From there the teacher asked the students to be bringing it everyday to school for one week, but before the one week some tomatoes started spoiling and smelling, and the students called the attentions of the teacher saying the tomatoes is smelling they can't bear it any longer. And the teacher smile, and said to them that is how our heart is smelling with so much bitterness, Malice and hatred. We are not doing our heart good by keeping dirty things in it. ## What a great lesson, Is not only environment that needed to be kept clean only, our heart also need it that, the more the clean heart the more the person stay healthier.

Thank you @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @solarisfuture @resonator