Disfrutando de la naturaleza🌸🌴| Enjoying nature🌸🌴

in Photo-essay2 months ago

Feliz noche amigos de Photo-essay creo que es la primera vez que publico en esta comunidad y me pareció bastante genial ya que normalmente mis post son bastante largos, normalmente hago recetas o reseñas de los lugares a donde voy a comer aqui en la Isla de Margarita pero hoy senti que no tenía nada que subir a mi blog. Pero justo esta mañana cuando me levante rome algunas fotos denunas flores que tengo en el patio de la casa y es que estos últimos 25 dias he estado obligada a pasar mas tiempo en el patio de la casa y es que nuestro aparato de wifi se daño y la empresa aun no ha podido venir a hacer los cambios que necesitamos, asi que yo paso mas tiempo en el patio de la casa que es donde me llega el wifi de mi tia. Pero esto a la vez me permite disfrutar mas de la naturaleza que nos rodea.

Good evening friends of Photo-easy, I think this is the first time I’m posting in this community and I thought it was pretty cool since my posts are usually quite long, I usually write recipes or reviews of the places where I go to eat here on Margarita Island but today I felt like I had nothing to post on my blog. But just this morning when I got up I took some photos of some flowers I have in my backyard and it’s because these last 25 days I’ve been forced to spend more time in my backyard and our wifi device broke and the company still hasn’t been able to come and make the changes we need, so I spend more time in my backyard which is where my aunt’s wifi reaches me. But this at the same time allows me to enjoy more of the nature that surrounds us.

En casa cada vez quiero tener mas plantas de flores es que son tan hermosas. Y ame tomar estas fotos ya que justo habia llovido un poco y se veian yan hermosas. Y tambien tenemos algunas plantas de platanos y justo hace dias me di cuenta que pronto vamos a tener plátanos. Ame esta última foto ya que el azul del cielo se ve nuy lindo con el colos verde de todas las plantas. En otros tiempos mi post seria quejandome por no tener internet pero es agradeciendo por tener esta bonita vista y unas hermosas flores que adornan el patio de la casa.

At home I want to have more and more flower plants because they are so beautiful. And I loved taking these photos because it had just rained a little and they looked beautiful. And we also have some banana plants and just a few days ago I realized that we are going to have bananas soon. I loved this last photo because the blue of the sky looks so pretty with the green color of all the plants. In other times my post would be complaining about not having internet but it is thanking for having this nice view and some beautiful flowers that decorate the patio of the house.


Somos parte de la naturaleza, por eso cuando nos paramos a apreciar su belleza nos sentimos tan reconfortados. Me alegro de que hayas aprovechado una situación en principio negativa para darle la vuelta y transformarla en motivo de disfrute. Aun así espero que se resuelva pronto tu avería del wifi. Gracias por compartir tus bonitas flores con nosotros.

"Good evening! Your post is lovely, and you've really captured how peaceful spending time with nature can be. Your flower photos show that you're making the most of your time surrounded by beauty. Hopefully, your Wi-Fi will be fixed soon, but until then, enjoy the serenity of nature!"

I love your floral photos after the rain. Your island certainly seems to have issues with power and repairs. I hope it all works out soon for you.

It's a bit complicated here with the lighting and other things. For the moment, the lighting issue seems to be under control.