Friday has come at last, and many times I participate in 90's Friday event. Today I just wasn't in the mood. But I did slip in a 90's item just for fun! Today I'll being doing another LEGO side hustle post. I guess the header gave that away, so lets' dive in. Like always, I will share LEGO item that is worth a fortune, they can be worth more than gold!
Today's outrageously priced piece of LEGO gold isn't from Star Wars, but the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This Shadow Leonardo had 900 in total produced in 2012, of those 500 were given out at the San Diego and New York Comic-Cons. The remaining 400 were given out to children who dressed as Ninja Turtles in the Westfield Shopping Centre at Entertainer Toy Shop in the UK.
These mini-figures carry a hefty price of $2,219 as of the last auction purchase. It would have been awesome to have received on for free, but I most certainly wasn't at either Comic-Con or in the UK at that point and time. Not to mention I definitely wasn't dressed as a Ninja Turtle...
Onto today's LEGO finds. I shared sometime back that I found a bin with a lot of girl's LEGOs which had pretty much paid for itself with a couple mini-figure finds. I've slowly been digging through what's left. The main reason I say slowly is because the majority of it is the LEGO Friends sets. Sadly, there isn't a whole lot of demand for them. It's a shame because they put a lot of detail into these sets.
First up is a set I have all assembled and getting ready to put it up for sale. It's a setup of two girls camping out with their car, trailer and cooking supplies. Not to mention a pet hedgehog. They even have pans and utensils and a nice little table. So for all of these great details this set is worth maybe $12 on a good day. We'll see how much I get on eBay!
The camper even opens up with some interior details.
And one of the biggest differences comes in the mini-figures. They don't look like your typical LEGO figures, the have more realistic faces and even have noses. Their feet have footwear and somewhat realistic clothing. I guess there just isn't as much demand for the Friends series, and none seem to be worth very much money.
And one of the manuals that came with it with the scene on the front. I tried to match it a little you will notice.
Next up we have Harley Quinn and her motorcycle. I shared the mini-figure awhile back but now have the build to go with her. It's actually pretty complete with a hammer that says POW! I'll probably ask around $15 on this set, and if I get $10 I'll be happy. At this point it's all profit as the bin has already paid for itself.
Now for some more mini-figures I'm preparing to sell. They've been pulled out of various bins and I finally got around to sorting some of them out.
First up here is Cardio Carrie from the LEGO movie. Incidentally my first girlfriend's name was Carrie, not that it has anything to do with LEGO's. This mini-figure is priced from $5 to $20, so I'll start it off at around $10 and take any decent offers about five dollars.
Now for some Frankenstein. I've shared on of these before, it was a special series release and he is a rocking Frankenstein but is missing his guitar That does hurt his value somewhat, but not enough for me to want to replace it. The part isn't expensive, less than a dollar but the shipping is over five. So not going to happen.
And since I didn't do a #ninetiesfriday post for my friend @geneeverett , I'll throw in a Frankenstein related 1990's song below from Alice Cooper! Why not? In case you're interested, Nineties Friday is a weekly event where you can share anything from the 1990's. It has it's own community where you can post if you are interested. Just use the tag #ninetiesfriday and not a bad idea to do a shoutout to @geneeverett .
"Feed My Frankenstein" by Alice Cooper from 1992:
Next up is and Emmet from the LEGO Movie, this guy was supposed to come with building instructions on a LEGO tile, but no dice. It was missing... So I might be able to get $5-6 for this guy.
Another LEGO Movie character, although a very minor one, Ice Cream Mike. Ironically, he sell for $8-9, much better than Emmet. Go figure...
Another LEGO series release, the Rock Star, and of course he is missing his guitar just like Frankenstein. With guitar he's worth $4, without, I'll be lucky to get $2. So he won't get listed, I'll throw him into a lot of figures that are pretty worthless and ask $10. Eventually they will sell!
And last but not least, a limited series release as well, the Dino Tracker. She comes with a bow and arrow and tranquilizer dart. Apparently, with those items she can take on a T Rex. I wish her luck, but I think she would wind up a dino snack to be honest. She's only going to pull in around $4, but that's better than nothing!
That will wrap up my LEGOs for today. Some are better than others, as is always the case. Today no $50 finds, but that happens very rarely. Most of what you get isn't worth a whole lot. Fortunately all the one you see today I've already made a profit off the stuff I've sold, so they are pure profit, although not huge profits. That's the way it works with LEGOs for the most part. But, it is a lot of fun!
If you want to jump into the LEGO side hustle, much of your luck will come from big thrift shops or yard/garage sales. I find the yard sales often have some nice gems, but they can be a pain to drive to and arrive early enough before the good stuff is picked over. Look for sets that are near complete and instructions books are important. If it comes in or with a box that's a huge bonus, but almost never happens. It's not a bad idea to have your phone with you to look up prices before you buy. It makes the gamble slightly less risky!
Thanks for taking time to read over my LEGO post. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below. As always thank you so much for all of your support, it's deeply appreciated. Have a great weekend everyone!
I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. Please do your own research before investing your hard earned money in any project or commodity.
All photos are mine unless otherwise indicated.
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