Hello my loving Asean Hive community,
Welcome back from my small garden blog. Today is Saturday, so it's my day off. What are you guys doing? What are you all doing? So today I had the idea to plant some plants in my small garden. It rains every night these days, but the weather is nice in the afternoons. I transplanted the Brunfelsia pauciflora plant I bought yesterday into a new pot. So today I'm going to talk about repotting a new plant. Let's get started.
Another name for the Brunfelsia pauciflora plant I bought yesterday is Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. I feel like the pot I bought the Brunfelsia pauciflora plant in is too small. I think it needs a lot of space and soil to thrive and grow quickly. So I had the idea to plant that plant.
Even though I'm talking about flower pots, where I live, large flower pots are very expensive. I also wanted to use a large area, so I used a plastic container that I no longer use. I thought that since the walls of this container are strong, I could plant plants as a way to recycle. The walls of the pit, as you can see, have a lot of holes. That allows the soil to easily escape. So my father first covered the perimeter of the container with some plastic.
In the bottom layer of the basket, my father first added dried leaves from the garden.
Then my father added compost. We made homemade compost. Home made compost is made from dry leaves, cow dung, straw and household waste. They haven't been composted yet because it takes a long time to compost. However, we still need them, so we took a little bit and used them. Then my father poured the soil from the unused flower pots into the basket and leveled the soil.
Now the Brunfelsia pauciflora plant is ready to be transplanted into a basket. First, my father made a hole in the soil in the basket the size of the flower pot.
I think the people at the plant shop have been planting this plant in this small pot for a long time. It was very difficult to get the plant out of the pot. I didn't want to destroy the pot and I was afraid the plant would break. So my father used a stick to make space in the bottom of the vase. Then, I pulled out all the roots and soil from the plant.
Then my father put the plant into the soil he had dug up a while ago.
Then my father covered the area around the tree with soil.
That's all for today. Thank you. See you next post. 🍇