It's the 3rs day of May today and this is my first gardening report this year. Other years this time I had at least two already, but this year is different as I haven't been participating in gardening works and most likely my future participation will be less as well because my time is limited. However, today I'd like to show you what the garden looks like. All you see here is my dad's work, all credits go to him.
Let start with this beauty, which is called German iris and contrary to what it seems, doesn't need much care. All I do every year is cut the dry stems after the flowers are gone and that's all. It's a beautiful flower, nothing like other flowers and that's why I like it.
Most likely you know how much I love buds and that applied here as well. Look at those petals, look at the texture! This is why I love this flower.
This petunia is more than interesting. I think I took 10 photos as all of them seemed blurry, but I had to realize I was wrong. Those white spots look like the light a disco globe reflects and make your eyes think the photo is blurry.
This is a different one, this photo doesn't seem blurry :)
This is the onion flower, which is just for decorative purposes, nothing to do with the actual onion. This year we only have purple, but previously we had white as well.
Look who I met while photographing the onion flower. A fellow Hive user, but they were not interesting in meeting me at all. It's not a good feeling to be ignored, but it is what it is.
Scrolling back I can see I only posted blue ad purple flowers till this point, so let's change that and go to the garden.
This year the gardening season starter later than usual and at this point there is not much to show. This is the garlic, which surprisingly looks way better than any other year. Usually the onion look better and the garlic looks like sowed much later, but this year things got inverted.
I can't remember when we had such a poor onion season. Turns out the situation is the same at the neighbor's too. I don't know what's causing it, but we are not going to have onions this year, that's for sure.
We never have radish, but for some reason my dad sowed some this year ad surprisingly, look at how beautiful it is.
This is the tomato. This year my dad reduced the size of the vegetable garden because it's too much work and we don't need that much. In previous years we had 3 times more, but those times are long gone. One sheet is enough.
These are the eggplant seedlings, ready to be take their final place. Do you see that old school watering can? That was my granddad's :)
This is the celery, which I don't like, but it's good when you make different sauces.
Gooseberries look good, still small but so far so good. These are not going to turn red or white, but have a wonderful taste when ripe.
Currants are so-so, unfortunately. Looking at this photo you'd say lovely, but this is maybe the best of the best.
Look at this. Half is missing already. I don't know why.
Unfortunately that was not the only damage. Walnuts got damaged pretty bad. There was a frost in April and this is what the leaves look like. Last year we had no walnuts and I think the situation will be the same this year.
Today my task was yard work. The neighbor cut some branches and I had to clean the place, carry those branches to a dedicated place. It's not a work I'm used to, so I think it can be considered a good cardio training. At least my body tells me to.
This is it at the moment, but I hope next time I can show you more.

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