Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
At The Precipice Of A Decision!
In truth it wasn't one that was all that hard to begin with!
I had a choice, I could meet up with Nomad and the rest of the crew to find out what the heck happened to our team mate or I could delay that for a while and head to the North-East Military camp to clear it out and find out if there is any intelligence hidden around.
Well I slodged my way through a swamped up jungle with a beaten and broken buggy! I'd have to get a different ride!
Silent But Deadly!
Oh yeah! I've all but forgotten about this fancy suit of mine! All but forgotten about it!
Nomad told me to do this stealthily, I do agree but on the other hand I also don't agree! I want to go guns blazing! But for now let's cloak up and turn the lasers off!
No use in cloaking up with a random red light coming out of nowhere flashing about! Nah that wont work at all!
let's see if we can surprise these fuckers!
They Never Saw It Coming!
They Legitly never did! I mean they did! I engaged and then I fell back and cloaked up again!
I sort of rinsed and repeated on that one! Oh it was major fun! They'd be chucking grenades around in the direction they last saw me but never did they know I was standing right in front of them the entire time!
Then it was just a pop pop situation to take them and all the rest out! Oh don't forget to rinse!
Data Retrieved!
Although I wished I could say it was safely retrieved but that would just be a lie! Yeahp a big lie! A lot of folks had to die for this one ey! A lot!
A lot more would die if we don't intervene in this situation right away!!
Now I've got to get back to Prophet and the rest of the crew ASAP!
A Bite Too Big!
So I was supposed to fall back to Prophet and here I thought I could quickly take out a ship patroling the waters around the island!
Well I was matched with guns I probably just shot like shit and got shot up real bad!
I decided to bail it the hell out of there!
A Weird Feeling!
As I got closer and closer to Prophet and Psycho things got a bit weird! It was almost like I had radio interference or something! There was this weird vibration and pulsations going on and I felt it the hardest going through the canyon!
What the hell is going on on this island!
I think we might have been called out for something far bigger than we think!
Finding Them Wasn't Hard!
No not at all! Just go to the random frozen spot on the island? How the heck! This is a tropical island and something hella freakish is going on here!
Damn back in the day when I jumped on this is was absolutely amazing how the story just shifted from normal soldiers to aliens and all I wanted was more of the story!
Ticked Off!
Well naturally the crew felt like they were being kept in the dark and they were for all we knew, the thing is Prophet knew just as much as we all do!
But the crew felt it was being kept in the dark about something and that sure as hell is the case because what ever is creeping around on this island we know nothing about! Absolutely nothing!
We're Not Alone!
Hell this is going sideways real bad! We expected something and there it was! We demanded for answers and there they were! What a thing to behold!
Well there goes another of our crew, Jester it has been good knowing you brother!
It literally came out of nowhere and took us by surprise! How the hell did it smash through the ship like it was nothing!
Just Like That!
Just like that it snatched up Jester and moved out of there so fast we could barely blink before it was all done with!
Again, How the hell did it smash through the ship like it was nothing!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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