Playing solo vs squad in PUBG mobile

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

Hi Hive gamers, I will share to you my PUBG mobile gaming playing solo vs squads☺️

My bit Intro about my PUBG journey:

I’v been playing PUBG mobile for 6 years so many happy and sad memories I got in this game,
This game also motivated me to get good gaming device, From low end device to flagship device. i work hard to get device so I can play this smoothly.

For 6 years of me playing this game.
I join so many clan and have scrims or Custom
matches daily for my improvement of teams and participate in clan battles,
i made so many friends and also getting partners in the game and now its all gone. We all have important priorities in real life.

This is my ingame profile.
My In game name is: HEXX


Now i will share to you my gameplay

You can watch the video here👇


My game information

  • Im dropping to the hotdrop area its called Georgopol,
    while im in the parachute i check around to see if their enemies dropping and how many will drop to check how many enemies in my dropping area.

  • after landing i can't see any rifle or auto rifles and that is my favorite gun because its for long range but i can't see any rifles so i get this shotgun no choice for me.

  • after getting the shotgun, i run to the next looting area but i hear 2 footsteps. If you watch the video i beat those 2 with my shotgun, in the last enemy i get nearly killed haha but i got lucky and shot it with my gun.

  • Next after no more enemy in Georgopol, i rotate and find enemy and go to areas where the plane path is near.
  • After going to Pochinki, i hear footsteps in the Triple story building, so i take my molotov to throw it and luckily i got one enemy burn and knockdown.
  • If you watch the video at this point. I got some tips on this one.
    after the enemy firing in the stairs because he thinks i will rush directly but its not. i wait him to finish his firing first and reload or change gun its have a delay so after that i rush him and fire at him, My health still full after that no bullets i take on the enemy.
  • after taking out those guys in the building im checking the area and i see enemy on the far away house using my 4x scope.
  • The enemy see me and firing me, i need to cover but there's no tree or rock i can cover so the enemy knock me down.

  • luckily i got self revive picked before, after i revive. i will use my med kit to full my health, but i see the enemy using his horse vehicle to get the good spot to check me, so i cancel the heal and scope to check where he is and he kill me after that.
  • my mistake is to interrupt the medkit or after revive i throw smoke.

Game: PUBG Mobile
Screenshot taken in pubg mobile game
