Stop Killing Games - Initiative

in Hive Gaming8 months ago

Not a gaming post or gaming video. But gaming related. I hope @hivegc, @strawhat or any mods don't have anything against me posting something different like this in their community


Some people/gamers are worried about losing their games when the company behind the games are shutting down support to a game. This wasn't really a problem back in the day when you bought the game on a disc and owned the disc. But when more & more games are sold like now on steam or any other platform we don't own the games like we used to. Also with the increasing numbers of live service games coming out every month at the moment, the fear is that these games we BOUGHT can be taken away from us gamers when the company behind the game doesn't want to support it anymore or if/when the game isn't profitable anymore.

This Initiative augues that because we BOUGHT the game, we have the right to play the game infinity even when the support for the game end! This means, that when the support for the game ends, us users should still be able to access the game and play on PLAYER made servers.
So it should come as a cost to the company & any company can shut down support and updates to a game. But players shouldn't lose the ability to play the game they BOUGHT.

I honestly don't see why any gamers wouldn't support this initiative?
This initiative is only for the EU market at the moment, but as we saw with the Type-C Charger Initiative, Apple changes their Charger the world over, over an initiative in Europe.
So this can have a big domino effect + USA or people outside of EU, could just use an VPN to access EU servers even if the ping is bad :D

I am not part the initiative. Its just worth sharing.

Videogames are being destroyed

Link to Sign the Initiatives

Videogames are being destroyed! Most video games work indefinitely, but a growing number are designed to stop working as soon as publishers end support. This effectively robs customers, destroys games as an artform, and is unnecessary. Our movement seeks to pass new law in the EU to put an end to this practice. Our proposal would do the following:

  • Require video games sold to remain in a working state when support ends.
  • Require no connections to the publisher after support ends.
  • Not interfere with any business practices while a game is still being supported.

If you are an EU citizen, please sign the Citizens' Initiative!

Text taken from

Sign the initiative here(I already signed it)

Accursed Farms have made multiply yt-videoes on the topic, if you want to learn more.
His newest video about the topic, can be found here

