It sounds like a wonderful visit, despite the fencing work. I'm sure it did your friend's heart good that you came when he called, but I bet he already knew you would. Things like that usually give back to the giver's heart too. Girls on bikes with cakes.....I can imagine the happy in that.
I took the whole week off and will not go back to work till after the new year. Yay ! Only whole week I have taken this year. Of course it is passing too fast, but that is the way of vacation days.
Christmas day was hectic, in some ways happily expected and some not expected. I needed to decompress, so the day after, I slept in and I never changed out of my nightgown and house robe the entire day. I watched TV, played and chatted on the internet and ate yummy leftovers.... too many leftovers, but it was fun and did what I needed it to do.
Yesterday was a half and half day, going back and forth from relaxing to spells of small projects and getting the kitchen back in nice order. Still got into a few too many leftovers, so soon I will put on coffee and while it is perking, I will purge the house of the sweet parts of the leftovers with the intent of getting back on track with the healthier stuff. Not sure what the rest of my day will hold, but there are many things around here that needs to be done, so maybe a few projects will take place. I'll decide all that over a couple of cups of coffee shortly.
I made a New Year's resolution many years ago to never make any New Year's resolutions and I have kept that one LOL ! I still found myself this morning thinking there are some ruts I need to get out of and I should think on some changes about the way I am doing things. Not a resolution though... of course not a resolution. ;)