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RE: Gone north

in Outdoors and morelast year

It did both of us some good, and the fresh air helped too. It's really a lovely spot on the southern end of the Flinders Ranges and just near Alligator Gorge, a legit hiking spot.

I'm glad to hear you have a week off (I go back on the 2nd) and that Christmas was good, if hectic. I had to laugh about the nightgown comment...I know someone who also did the same in her PJ's. It's pretty much standard day after clothing. I think it sounds like you've having a nice time overall and that's what this time of year is all about.

On the resolution thing...I'm the same, no resolutions made, but I certainly make goals and plans with every intention of achieving them.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been flat out since returning from the north. I'd like to go back but reality had to kick in eventually.