"Endoloris" - HP quote :)
I do not know if it the case for everyone, I hope it's not, for sure ...
But ageing is not something cool for me.
I do not know what I did to mother nature, but she unleashes issue after issue.
In french we say : "Ce qui ne te tue pas te rend plus fort", which you could translate as : if it does not kill you, it shall make you stronger...
Believe me, I hate this saying, many people keep on repeating it to me, while in fact, the pain breaks me down each time a little more. I do not feel stronger at all, I feel weak and I don't like the feeling.
Simone de Beauvoir once said : "La mort semble bien moins terrible, quand on est fatigué.", which means that death is not as terrifying once you're really tired.
Not that I am calling for the end, at all... But it expresses what I feel when I feel dizzy, without apparent reason while I was just having fun 3 minutes before the crisis.
Bah, enough with ranting... Let me hope you feel better than I do :)
And now that your read theses few lines, you learned two French sayings, you may tell me if you agree with them or not in the comments :) So you didn't lose your time, lol...
Thank you for your time and support :)
O.J. | Towards Financial Freedom! |
![]() | @independance is my path to financial freedom, via precious metal stacking. I try to achieve this to bring a heritage for my family. I'll post about my progress as well as anecdotes. |
See you all Soon.