Time for reflections: Don't feel pity, feel empathy!

in YouHive2 months ago

You Hive, You Empathy

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A long time ago, web2 recommended me an animated short film called “Cuerdas” which I decided to watch because it had many positive comments mentioning something that unfortunately is slowly being lost in humanity, something called “Empathy”. I decided to watch it and in addition to taking away several tears, it left me with a deep reflection, not only about the story itself, but about the paternity of its creator Pedro Solis Garcia and today I want to share with you both the short film and my learning through the current initiative of the community.


The short film makes clear a message about empathy and being singled out as something strange when suffering from a disease. Maria is a girl with a lot of brightness and love inside her, who far from feeling pity for the boy who suffers from cerebral palsy, feels a connection and sees him as an equal.

Feeling pity is not the same as feeling empathy, if someone sees me with pity, in my opinion, it would make me feel more miserable, instead if someone sees you with empathy, you know that person puts himself in your shoes and feels what you feel, but does not want to help you out of pity or to fill his ego, but because he sees you as a normal person to whom life played a trick on him and that is what Maria does, while her other classmates see the new boy with contempt for his condition, she sees him and feels a special connection with him, she is interested in being his friend and includes him in different kinds of activities giving his heart a huge joy, that's how the rest of her classmates start to see her as a weird girl, but clearly she doesn't care.

To feel pity is to enlarge your suffering, to feel empathy is to make you forget it.


The story is inspired by Pedro Solis' son who passed away from the disease not long ago and he himself said that he wished his son had never inspired him to create this short film, the reason is more than obvious.

Solis made this short film to raise awareness about mental health because of his son's condition and it made me reflect on a very important point in my life: Parenthood.

I belong to that percentage that had a very bad father figure, in fact, when I was 5 years old I got very sick, I had pneumonitis that got worse because of the late diagnosis and I had to be hospitalized. I still remember that night before my hospitalization when my lungs closed and I did not let my dad sleep. He got angry about it and threw a withering sentence, he said I was faking. While Solis wanted to reach out to the whole world for his son's health, I almost died because of my dad's lack of interest and because of that, for many years, I considered father figures as something bad and mistakenly put all dads in the same bag, today I regret having had that thought.


It is nice to find people who do not see your physical condition, but your essence as a human being. Solis has done a wonderful job, a touching story that touched the hearts of many people and invites you to reflect on different important points of life.

After watching this short film, I reflected on two things:

  • The difference between feeling pity and feeling empathy and how empathy can change someone's world, and that a bad father does not represent the rest of fathers, there are men who truly love their children. Thank you for your visit!


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Thank you 😘

You know Yami, I did the same thing... my father is an evil being and for a long time I didn't understand the father figure or what it existed for until I met people who behaved like a father with me, I understood that not everyone is bad and that there are very good men. Unfortunately we went through this, which is horrible. It's up to us from now on to live our lives. Beautiful channel, thank you very much... I was in tears....

Sabes Yami, yo hice lo mismo... mi padre es un ser maligno y durante mucho tiempo no entendí la figura paterna o para que existía hasta que conocí personas que se comportaron como un padre conmigo, entendí que no todos son malos y que hay hombres muy buenos. Lamentablemente pasamos por esto, que es horrible. Depende de nosotras de ahora en adelante la vida. Hermoso canal, muchas gracias... se me caían las lágrimas ..

I guess it is a normal human reaction to generalize for a bad experience, especially if it happens in childhood, which is when one absorbs more the facts and where more impact, but as you grow up you understand some things, well, not all haha there are people who never change 😂

It is true that it is a reaction to a trauma, you can get out of it and it is also true that there are people who never change!

I saw this short film some time ago, and strangely enough, I enjoyed it as much or more than the first time I saw it. You are so right, it is not the same to feel empathy for someone, which is a demonstration of love. Pity, in the sense that you use it, gives the message that one is right and the other is wrong. It is only a selfish act.

Greetings @elbuhito.

To me it would make me feel more miserable if someone feels sorry for me haha 😂 instead empathy, as you say, is an act of love, sees your essence, not your problem and helps you because he sees you as an equal ❤️ this short film inspired me to recognize that difference, maybe I'm wrong, but that's the beauty of the reflections, as long as it brings you something positive can be perceived in different ways 🙏

Thank you very much for your visit 🦉

You may be neither wrong nor right. It is your reflection, with which I agree, as I am sure there will be many other people who will have picked up other ideas in this short film, and they will not be wrong either. If we all thought alike, the world would be a very boring place.

Thanks to you for this very interesting publication.

I had already seen this short film and I tell you something I do not know if it is bad or good ajja I had a friend Ricardo already passed away, he was in a wheelchair when I met him I was a girl and he was a young man I asked him why he was lazy to walk ay sir hahaha always me, he smiled and said I'm tired, someone scolded me I do not remember and explained to me after a few years we became friends but I am extremely distracted one day I invited him to play soccer he told me come on I took him in his chair, when we got there I started to kick the ball and I told him you are not going to play and he looked at me and said how I kept thinking and I said like this and said stella I am in a wheelchair and I ay truth that bad forgive me and if I told you all the times I did similar things you die of laughter good reflection

Ay my little Stella haha you were just a child, children in their innocence sometimes don't understand, you did it out of pure innocence, but I'm sure you made his day haha 😂 😂

I'm dying with you hahahahahaha 😂 you made me laugh, you really know how to make someone forget things, that's because you don't see the problem, you see a common person, an equal, that's so tender and cute in you haha you gave me tenderness, Buhito wants to hug you 🦉❤️❤️

Esta es la anecdota del dia jajaja el chico ahi de "yo no puedo jugar futbol", ay pero por que, pos no se mire usted 😂😂 te adoro ❤️

I remember what you said. Look, when you grow up you hardly remember anything but that is as vivid as that day when he told you to stop pretending and let him sleep. Empathy is not a gift for everyone, but look how everyone sees María as strange and for me, they are the strange ones for considering the girl that way. I have a friend with a condition similar to that of the boy in the short and the first time I saw him, he cried like an idiot. Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful video:

Me acuerdo de eso que contas. Mira que uno cuando crece casi no recuerda nada pero eso esta tan vivido como ese día cuando dijo que dejaras de fingir y lo dejaras dormir. La empatía no es un don de cualquiera sino fíjate como todos la ven como rara a María y para mi , los raros son ellos por considerar así a la niña. Yo tengo un amigo con una condición similar a la del chico del corto y la primera vez que lo vi, llora como boluda. Gracias por recordarme este maravilloso video.

There are words that are never forgotten, generally the ones that hurt the most are the ones that are never forgotten and remain engraved, since that day I started to hate him haha 😂

There are people who feel a lot of empathy, others feel it sometimes and others that Buhito should burn 🦉 haha

Yo creo que Buhito (a pesar de la fama que dijimos que tiene 😂) siente mucha empatía, mira sus ojitos... gracias por compartir este cortometraje, no lo había visto antes.

Hace dos semanas cuando fui a Velancia noté un mural (o creo que un poster pegado a la pared, tengo una foto, lo traeré a Hive un día) justo sobre empatía.

Puede que tengas razon, hay algo de corazon dentro de ese endemoniado ser emplumado jaja solo que se hace el malito 😂

Buhito quiere ver ese mural o poster 🦉 Buhito siempre te pide de ver todo jaja que descarado 😂 pero creo que seria algo muy bonito de ver ❤️

Gracias por compartir este cortometraje. Haré lo mismo. Si en el mundo hubiera más personas como María, este, definitivamente, sería un mundo mejor.

No hay dudas de ello, aun asi, hay mucha gente hermosa alla afuera, quiza no de la misma forma que Maria, pero una persona buena se ve y se siente ❤️

It is sad to know that he was inspired by his own son to make the short film but it is also nice at the same time to know how actions of everyday life can mean too much for some people who have different realities, as for your life experience is very strong but it is true that one tends to generalize things or people according to their experience and sometimes life allows us to look at other different perspectives.

He himself said that he wished his son had not inspired him, but he created something very beautiful that reached millions of people 💔 so I also thank him for making me see a different point of view, sometimes we generalize, but it is a human behavior and learning is also a human behavior 🙏

Tan bella María! Con tanta inocencia y bondad en su corazón y lo más grande es que no veía limitaciones en nada, ni en nadie. Ella podía ir al infinito y más allá! Maria, creía que todo era posible y estoy convencida que ella logró que su amigo pudiera jugar y bailar en su imaginación. Nunca lo hizo sentir diferente. Por el contrario, le mostró que todo es posible y eso se hace con empatía.

Hace unos años había visto este hermoso corto que nos deja una gran lección de como el ser empáticos con las personas, que sufren de alguna condición, les puede cambiar la vida. No se gana nada sintiendo lástima. Lo correcto es tratarlos como una persona normal.

En cuanto a lo que cuentas sobre tu padre, no tengo palabras para describirlo. Creo que cualquier calificativo que esté pensando en este momento para él se queda corto. Pero, si quiero que sepas, mi niña bella, es que lamento que hayas vivido una experiencia como esa, pero no olvides que, aunque en la distancia, habemos personas que te queremos mucho y sentimos profunda admiración por tí!

Te mando un fuerte abrazo de cariño!🫂❤️

Has descrito a la perfeccion lo que significa la verdadera empatia, un verdadero don de personas con un corazon de otro planeta como el de Maria, personas como ella tienen el cielo ganado y la vida llena de bendiciones, ya estoy llorando otra vez jaja ❤️ él se fue con una enorme sonrisa, eso fue lo mejor para el niño, como Maria lo hizo sentir 😢

Asi mismo es, la lastima solo te hace sentir peor, por desgracia predomina eso a la empatia, pero hay personas que son como Maria, eso es hermoso ❤️ yo sabia que este video lo iban a recordar varios jeje fue muy famoso, dio la vuelta al mundo ❤️

Te cuento que en esa oportunidad fue mi abuela quien me salvo, ella vino a verme y si no venia, no estaria escribiendo esto ahora, no miento, los medicos dijeron eso, llegue inconsciente al hospital, pero a tiempo 💔 hay personas que no nacen para ser padres y no deberian serlo, por suerte nunca mas supe nada sobre él 🙏

Que linda eres, muchas gracias por tus hermosas palabras, siempre me llenan de alegria y que sepas que Buhito y yo tambien te admiramos, lo decimos siempre y siempre lo diremos jaja como un disco rallado 😂 te mando un abrazo emplumado bien grandote y mucho cariño 😘❤️