I'm all about the Indoors.

in Ecency Supportlast year


Whenever there is a discussion about "indoor vs outdoor", I believe that whatever works for each person is usually acceptable. In other words, none of those is better than the other. For some people, they enjoy the idea of being indoors and engaging in indoor activities while others prefer doing things outdoors.

For me, I'm all about the indoors.

You need to see how I spend my days; I usually spend the longest part of each day doing indoor stuff. It gets even better because the work I do each day is done remotely and they are the sort of work I can sit in my working space and do to a tee.

I know a lot more people who have switched to remote work since the COVID-19 era and some people still struggle with that. They always explore any slight opportunity to get away from the indoors and dive into outdoor activities. Meanwhile, that has never been the case for me.

I've figured out ways to stay indoors and still stay entertained without ever getting bored. Even when I get into my workout routine, a great part of it is made up of activities that I can do indoors. A long list of my hobbies also gives me the privilege of enjoying them indoors.

There have been moments even in recent days when I had to go outdoors in the mid-day. For the record, it wasn't always a fun experience.

When I'm outdoors by that time of the day, it's usually possible that there would still be some stuff on my to-do list for the day that I'm yet to achieve. It gives me a sense of urgency and makes me unfocused on the things happening around me. Everything on my mind at that point would be to wrap things up and get back to the stuff I had to get done.

Going outdoors is unavoidable though. I recently added 2 hours of outdoor walking to my workout routine. Whenever I'm getting into that, it becomes unavoidable to do stuff outdoors. Just to be sure that I won't end up spending too much time outdoors, I usually fit in my shopping into that 2-hour walk. Also, I make sure I do that in the evening/night when I've cleared a lot of things on my to-do.

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I spend way too much time indoors. It's easy when working from home and living out in the countryside to not go out to do things. This year I am being more intentional about planning trips into town. Or even to visit with neighbors or walk around the property. Anything to add in more movement into my life.

So far it's working. In January I have walked more than I had in the previous months. This is a good thing.

That's also the case for me this January. I've done a lot of walking in this January alone and I like the feeling I get from that. The only concern I have about it is that it has become a lot harder to earn a living and most of the things I have to do to earn pennies are tied to my online activities. I unavoidably end up spending so much time online to make ends meet. Haha

I'm working on improving my finances though. If I find opportunities to do is, it will likely give me a more balanced outdoor/indoor lifestyle.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this.

I loved being indoor than outdoor, to the extenses that I hate going outside at all. It's a good thing working from indoor than outdoor. Thanks for sharing this with us

That's how I enjoy it too. I just want the peace I enjoy from doing things indoor.

Yeah, covid-19 changed our lives a lot. Thanks for your post

Thanks 👍