Dennos Splinterlands Giveaway - 3 Monsters A Day #958

in Splinterlands11 months ago


You decide which card you win. I give you a selection of 21 cards and you choose your favorite monster.

Three lucky participants will get one monster
and a 33 % upvote each!

Choose your prize! Which card do you prefer?


The rules (simplified in a poem)

It's not necessary mate...
...but an upvote would be great.
I think I don't need to declare...
...that it also would be fair.

A reblog or to follow me...
...also no need, it's voluntary.

The only thing that must be done...
...a simple comment before the cards are gone.

And if you are generously...
...feel free to give presents to me ;)
The gifts that I do think about...
...are beer, luv, pizza, etc. - no doubt.

The rules in detail

  • Leave a comment that shows the complete and correct spelled name of the card you would like to have.
  • If your Splinterlands user differs from your Hive user, please let me know in an own line of your comment. Otherwise my comment picker can't find you. It should look like this:

    ign: kryptodenno123

  • You need to be an active Splinterlands player. Users with a rating of 0 will be ignored.
  • Your reputation score on Hive needs to be 25 or higher.
  • Bot commands will be ignored.
  • You must not be blacklisted.
  • Users who participate with more than one account will be blacklisted.
  • Upvotes or reblogs are not required, but are appreciated.


The winners will be drawn by a Random Winner Picker and announced in the upcoming raffle.

All eligible users who didn't win a card will receive a consolation prize in the form of a small upvote.


The winners of the previous edition




Your cards will arrive shortly.


Previous participants

@abdias101, @ace108, @acont, @actifit-peter, @acurewa, @adacardano, @adamsteele, @adulruna, @aikido.hung, @alexis666, @alexvan, @alinalazareva, @allfabeta, @alphawog, @amaari, @amaillo, @andy-plays, @animeshsingh452, @aniol77, @arc-echo, @aresteris, @areth, @ariesnomu, @armorfly, @armymalaya, @arpuch, @asdzxc87926, @ashesrisen, @asperger-kids, @aubryd, @aurzeq, @auty, @axeman, @baburamg, @badfinger, @bakuoni, @balbaabart, @ballbagins, @bananofarmer, @banzafahra, @bardot223, @barmbo, @basilmarples, @bc-i, @beaverwarrior, @bienenfleiss, @bilidrg, @bitandi, @bitcoinportugal, @bittrio, @bityobit, @blastx, @blind-spot, @blitzzzz, @blokdilly, @blotokes-g, @blueeyes8960, @bluehy20, @bo022, @bokica80, @braveboat, @burn950, @bxlphabet, @cabalcoin, @caimanx, @can-of-tuna, @cantfoldaces, @captainquack22, @catotune, @cflclosers, @cgrave, @chadmichaellibby, @chaoxwinx, @chappertron, @che-shyr, @chekohler, @chorock, @chrislybear, @chuckrick, @circlebubble, @cjlugo, @cloudblade, @coffeedrinker112, @costanza, @cpol, @craftsofluv, @crazyphantombr, @criptoanarquista, @crookeddice182, @crypto-pilot, @cryptocrazy2789, @cryptonnja, @cryptoph0823, @cryptorg, @cuko, @cutedawako, @d3st1ny00, @dadzis, @danideuder, @danrid, @darmianto5, @davel22, @dawnlightman, @declarate, @definethedollar, @denboxieval, @dera123, @deraaa, @detlev, @detro10, @diochen, @djm90, @donthaveone, @dragon-ti, @drjpooch, @dstampede, @dub-c, @dubble, @durlan, @dusi, @edward.martin, @egistar, @eii, @elizacheng, @elleok, @elricmoonslayer, @emd012, @emeraldtiger, @engelchen, @engilhramn, @epoq, @erixink, @eshawn, @euphyca, @failingforward, @felipejoys, @filuris, @finris, @fire-born, @flummi97, @fragozar01, @fredfettmeister, @freedomprepper, @freemonster, @fusion.lover, @fuzzy-melon, @genketsu, @ghostlybg, @ghua, @globetrottergcc, @goldturnmold, @gratisuntamed, @greendo, @gregory-f, @growtch, @grumbkow, @guurry123, @h0rcs0g, @h3m4n7, @haizelanne, @hamsterpoweriii, @hansgans, @happyspoon, @hatdogsensei, @hdverde, @helicopter-d, @hellswarrior2013, @highfist, @highhaschdi, @hilladigahackles, @hippyonshrooms, @holdeck, @iamchuks, @ianballantine, @iceman23, @idea-make-rich, @ijatz, @imfarhad, @indignantgerald, @inri, @instamental, @instaminer, @irisworld, @ironoy, @istiakahamed, @itzunknown, @ivarbjorn, @jacksonizer, @jacuzzi, @jaimenetsbr, @jakkal, @javiermurillo, @javiss, @jdike, @jeferybgomez, @jeffjefferson42, @jilt, @jingo-submo, @jmehta, @joecan, @joetunex, @johnnancy, @josephbr550, @josip1119, @joycolyte, @jzeee, @kalih, @kamran-rkploy, @kaptnkalle, @kerrislravenhill, @kidsisters, @kirstin, @knochenhd, @kobasica, @kojiri, @koodies, @kramaric.goat, @kramlyn12, @kryptofire, @kyuki, @l337m45732, @lannabeiker, @laralq, @lebastion, @lem4, @leosoph, @leslieebano, @levi-miron, @lexansky, @libertycrypto27, @litrydow, @lofone, @lologom, @lolxsbudoy, @loosestgoose, @lord-of-fire, @lorddiablo, @lordemmy, @lordflu, @lordkingpotato, @lordwinty, @louis88, @lxsxl, @m0rph, @madnessinsane, @madwomaninattic, @magicodoz, @manclar, @mannaman, @marcosms, @mario02, @mario89, @master-lamps, @master.splinter, @matsmattibro, @mawit07, @maxer27, @mcgilli, @mcrahman91, @mein-senf-dazu, @method1973, @micay, @micro97, @miloshpro, @mima2606, @mimismartypants, @mindblast, @mineopoly, @minimining, @misterc, @mk992039, @modough, @moeenali, @monster.farmer, @monsterbuster, @monte-cristo, @moonthumb, @mordikkio, @mpoukovo, @mrchillph, @mrtoking, @muarco, @musicvoter, @mvl2304, @myfreebtc, @mypathtofire, @natzmer, @navre, @naychop, @naythan, @neophyto, @networkallstar, @neuropathy8778, @new.things, @no-advice, @noctury, @nosliw, @oadissin, @oivas, @ojamajo, @olaexcel, @olaf.gui, @oleg326756, @oleksii.tkachuk, @onewolfe, @ostricone, @outlinez, @outwars, @perax, @pero82, @philipmak, @philippekiene, @plints, @podewils, @podnikatel, @polessins, @poplar-22, @portalmonsters, @poyim, @pulubengdugs, @purplegoblin, @querdenker, @r1s2g3, @ravenxbr, @readthisplease, @realsort, @relf87, @rentmoney, @reon22, @risingstargame, @road2horizon, @rodqui95, @rook, @rosiew, @rtonline, @rubenleong, @rubillo15, @ruhrsearch, @rusty.bone, @rynow, @s3ttt, @sabosuke, @sadlove, @samarek69, @sayee, @sbenbow, @sbenbow-splinter, @sbruntz, @schumix05, @scotty297, @sczed, @seaweedking, @senojuro, @sgbonus, @shaidon, @sharkmarcus, @shawnmichael-gt, @shiftrox, @shinpurple, @silverhorn, @silversaver888, @simonjay, @sirminealot, @sleaz0id, @sm-trainer, @smokrthou, @socialmediaseo, @solaito, @solymi, @sonius94, @soyrosa, @sp3ktraline, @splinterob, @sportsbuddy, @squishna, @stamato, @stdd, @stefano.massari, @stewie.wieno, @subidu, @suntree, @supersamio, @swordsoffreedom, @tabs1250, @taintedblood, @tariksaran, @taxguy, @teca, @technocrypton, @tedus, @the.bradziag, @thebusycat, @thedoc07, @thegolden, @thehockeyfan-at, @thilo-zoran, @thomas4711, @tillysfamilyfarm, @timoremoti, @toheadi, @tokutaro22, @transcript-junky, @travisjames, @travoved, @truskawek, @tsiouftelis, @tub3r02, @unplugged-in, @upvocur, @urkanon, @vabadaba, @vaddd, @vagabond42069, @vincix, @vintherinvest, @vjekich, @wakeupkitty, @wakeupkitty.pal, @warhead61, @wazza84, @weddinggift, @white-walker-13, @wizzitywillican, @wonderwop, @wongbraling, @wpblogger-de, @wrestlingdesires, @wynella, @xels, @xezat, @xgoivo, @xplosive, @xykorlz, @yeckingo1, @ykretz, @ynwa.andree, @yonilkar, @yorra, @youngyoda, @yras, @yuango, @yury-efim-off, @zenitsu12, @zephid83, @zorne, @zuly63, #sbi-skip

If you also want to get notified when a new raffle comes up just write "notification subscription" into your comment.

If you don't want to get further notifications please write "unsubscribe" into your comment.

!!! GOOD LUCK to all participants !!!


Flame Monkey ;)

Congratulations! You are among the winners. Your card will arrive shortly :)

@ghostlybg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kryptodenno. (4/50)

Thanks! <3

Kobold Bruiser plz! @esbat

Congratulations! You are among the winners. Your card will arrive shortly :)

@esbat! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kryptodenno. (5/50)

please add me, thanks. @diochen
Flame Monkey

Congratulations! You are among the winners. Your card will arrive shortly :)

@diochen! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kryptodenno. (6/50)

cursed slimeball
count me in



ant miners plz

Elven Defender

Flame Monkey

Count me in!
ign: @pero82
Thank you
!PGM !LOL !gif cheers

What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy?
I don’t know and I don’t care.

Credit: reddit
@kryptodenno, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pero82

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Orc Sergeant


Wave Runner thanks😀

Please add me again.
@middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕

Cursed Slimeball please.

A Crystal Jaguar, please. Thank you!

Nightmare please
Hope to win

cursed slimeball please :)
Thank you!

ant miners
count me in again

Nightmare pls

ant miners
im in @gs1

Congratz @rimurutempest @smallcircle @spryquasar

Please count me in for the ELVEN DEFENDER @arc-echo 😄

Cursed Slimeball please. @flummi97

Biceratops please!

IGN olaf.gui

warrior of peace
please add me in this giveaway

Would love to win an Elven Defender!
Reblog, Upvote, Comment & Follow 😁
IGN: ak08

Count with me. Thanks. Elven Defender

Congrats to the winner!!
Please add me to the new giveaway!

Flame Monkey

Cursed Slimeball

Warrior of peace please!

count me in
cursed slimeball

count me in please
Crystal Jaguar

Count me in for Biceratops, please

Elven Defender please....thank you very much!

Elven Defender

Please count me in. Thanks

Cursed Slimeball


Einen Orc Sergeant, please

Elven Defender
Count me in please

add me pls @ladymisa :) nightmare

Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz


count me in for nightmare @aniol77

count me in for Nightmare plz @growtch

Hello my friend KRYPTODENNO

how are things?

Count me in for the draw!
Wave Runner as usual

cursed slimeball pls for @auty :)
thank youu

cursed slimeball ftw! ign: dusi, cheers :)

Count me in please! @lorddiablo 😊 Elven Defender!

Charlok Minotaur

Cursed Slimeball
Count me in.
IGN: @houhou

Elven Defender :)

Elven Defender
Thank you for the chance.
IGN: @bossingclint

Elven Defender
Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86
!Gif thank you

Bin dabei
ant miners

Count me in, please!

Magma troll


Thanks for the chance!


warrior of peace

Flame Monkey

Count me in my ign : @rtonline
Good luck to you all.

Elven Defender

Cursed Slimeball

I've just written a song about a tortilla.
Well, it is more of a rap really.

Credit: reddit
@kryptodenno, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rusty.bone


I am in
ant miners

Cursed Slimeball

Count me in @micay
Thank you

sniping narwhal @deimargd

Elven Defender

Thanks for the chance
count me in @tariksaran

Ant Miners

IGN grijanklys 🍀

I want to be part of the winners, take me into account.

my nickname is @alfrin

my desired card ES cursed slimeball

Here for the KOBOLD BRUISER!


@kryptodenno! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ mirroredspork. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

What do you call a knight who is afraid to fight?
Sir Render

Credit: reddit
@kryptodenno, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of mirroredspork

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Flame Monkey !BEER

IGN: gregory-f

Elven Defender please

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 50% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

Delegate HP | Join Discord

Ant Miners !luv @eddwood

kryptodenno, eddwood sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@kryptodenno(6/15) tipped @diochen
crazyphantombr tipped kryptodenno
kryptodenno tipped ghostlybg
arpuch tipped kryptodenno
waynechuasy tipped kryptodenno
kryptodenno tipped esbat

Count me in please
Ant Miners

What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?

Credit: reddit
@kryptodenno, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of akiraymd

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

Elven Defender

Hey @kryptodenno, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congratulations @kryptodenno! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You made more than 54000 comments.
Your next target is to reach 55000 comments.

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Hey @kryptodenno, here is a little bit of BEER from @amaari for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Hey @kryptodenno, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on HIVE and on HIVE Engine.

Glückwunsch den Gewinnern.
!BBH !HH !invest_vote

@kryptodenno! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @dotwin1981. (19/50)

Hey @kryptodenno, here is a little bit of BEER from @noctury for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Count me in ^^ @subidu

Charlok Minotaur

gerne den Wave Runner !BEER

Hey @kryptodenno, here is a little bit of BEER from @burn950 for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Wave Runner
for @ace108 please