On a quiet morning I returned to explore the wilderness to find interesting objects that I could capture. While walking along the path, my eyes managed to catch a mysterious figure crawling on a tree branch. I approached the place to make sure who the mysterious figure was.
I didn't dare to approach him at a closer distance, it seemed like someone was restless, he kept pacing back and forth on the tree branch. Or maybe he was doing morning exercise to keep his body fit, where he was there was also a spotlight of sunlight.
The mysterious figure was the larva of the plain gray hawkmoth or in Latin known as Psilogramma increta which comes from the Sphingidae family. The larva wore a very beautiful and unique costume. It has five color variations, namely brown, yellow, white, green and black.
At first glance the only colors visible are brown and yellow. The other three colors are small, with the naked eye it will not be visible especially if we look at it from a fairly far distance. In addition to having beautiful colors, this caterpillar also has a beautiful body posture, long and full. It looks very dashing even though its body size is small.

Latin name | Psilogramma increta |
Observation date | 12 Mar, 2025 |
Camera used | realme 7 Pro |
Photographers | @reachdreams |
Location | Aceh, Indonesia |
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