Sickle-bearing Bush-Cricket

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Sickle-bearing Bush-Cricket01 Nov 2024Central Aceh ,Bireun, Indonesia

On this occasion I will show you one of the insects that I found when I was in the forest, this is a green grasshopper and this grasshopper looks very unique perched on a green leaf maybe we can't see it.

And as usual, I always hope that everyone is always healthy and always successful for all my friends wherever you are.

When I saw this unique, beautiful and green grasshopper, I immediately captured some of its images as I have done here.

So let's see below how many images, hopefully you all can be entertained seeing you.

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographySickle-bearing Bush-Cricket


And here I am above @jasonmunapasee a #Photographer who always hunts in the forest to look for insects and beetles and also everything that is unique and interesting to see.

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