Panaeolus antillarum

in Nature Observer20 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Panaeolus antillarum04 Mart 2025Central Aceh ,Bireun, Indonesia

On this very beautiful occasion I am back here with you all to show some of the photography images that I have taken.

And do not forget I always hope that all are always healthy and always successful for all my friends wherever you are.

And here the image that I will show you all is about mushrooms that look very beautiful and here we can see this mushroom has a white color growing on lots of green grass.

I really like seeing this mushroom so I immortalized some of its images as I have seen here So let's now here see some of the images that I have taken hopefully you can be entertained seeing it.

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyPanaeolus antillarum


And here I am above @jasonmunapasee a #Photographer who always hunts in the forest to look for insects and beetles and also everything that is unique and interesting to see.

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