Chrysochroa fulminans

in Nature Observer8 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Chrysochroa fulminans21 July 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hello all friends who are always present here with me. As usual I always hope that everything is in good health and always successful for all friends wherever you are.

On this very beautiful occasion I returned here again with you and of course to cheer you up all with a few pictures that I had taken when I was in the forest.

When I was in the forest, I immediately captured how many pictures of this green beetle when I saw it and I saw this beetle perched on green leaves.

Of course, when I saw it, it immediately caught my attention and I tried to catch some of the pictures as much as possible.

This beetle is one of the very beautiful beetles because the green and shiny color makes many people interested, this green beetle has its own way to save themselves from enemy attacks if we approach this beetle or touch then he will stay like a statue so that many prey Others who will be silent when they see it.

I always see this flower has a green color whether this flower has other colors like the one in my picture if there are please mention what other colors you have ever seen.

Here we can see some pictures for me to take, of course this is to cheer you up everything so let's see below some of the images I have taken.

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyChrysochroa fulminans

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