Latin Name | Observation date | Location |
Prodasineura verticalis | 09 02 2025 | North Acèh Regency, Acèh, Indonesia |
(Prodasineura verticalis), a species of dragonfly that is quite unique.
This dragonfly landed on a small, dry twig, among several almost invisible spider webs. I noticed its slender body with a shiny black color, decorated with a striking red line on the thorax. His eyes were dark red, giving off a sharp and mysterious impression. The wings are transparent with a very fine veined pattern, moving slightly when blown by the wind.
I slowly adjusted my camera, making sure the focus was right on her eyes and body. The slightly dim afternoon light made it a challenge to capture the details, but it actually gave my photo a dramatic feel. Several times this dragonfly moved a little, perhaps disturbed by my presence, but fortunately it stayed still long enough for me to capture it in a few shots.
After I was satisfied taking pictures, I watched its movements for a while before it finally flew away, floating lightly in the air and disappearing among the leaves.
NOTE: I first wrote the article above in Indonesian, which is my own language, then I translated it using English with the help of Goggle.
Camera used | Smartphone |
Lens | Macro |
F-stop | - |
Iso speed | ISO |
Focal length | MM |
Photography | Prodasineura verticalis |
Location | Aceh Indonesia |
Photographer | @bananaklatbarat |
Link to original | community | |
Link | | |
Latitude Longitude | Map | |
- | - | |
=4.9786331 | =97.2221421 | |