Welcome everyone, today I will be sharing the step by step of an origami that is exclusively dedicated to my beautiful friend @zupasteleria, since her favorite animal is the hippopotamus and 84 years ago I told her that I would dedicate an origami of this cute animal, but Buhito was late as always, owl stuff, even so, I hope you like it, it is made from the bottom of Buhito's feathered heart.

Estuve buscando en internet un tutorial sencillo y bonito y este fue el único que encontré que me convenció, ya que no había tanta variedad de diseños de un hipopótamo de cuerpo entero, así que opté por este a pesar de que Buhito dice que tiene cara de mono, ese búho siempre criticando.
I was searching the internet for a nice and simple tutorial and this was the only one I found that convinced me, since there wasn't that much variety of designs of a full body hippo, so I opted for this one even though Buhito says he has a cute face, that owl always criticizing.
Hablando de Buhito...
- ¿Creen que se hizo amigo de este hipopótamo o nuevamente su mal carácter hizo de este animal un nuevo enemigo para él?
Sea cual sea la respuesta, ya todos sabemos que hacer amigos no es el fuerte de Buhito, creo que salió parecido a su dueña en ese sentido.
Speaking of Buhito...
- Do you think he made friends with this hippopotamus or did his bad temper again make this animal a new enemy for him?
Whatever the answer is, we all know that making friends is not Buhito's forte, I think he came out similar to his owner in that sense.

Por otro lado, creo que la cámara de mi teléfono esta algo dañada porque graba con una calidad más baja de la que tenía cuando recién lo compre. Si no se perciben muy bien los pasos, me gustaría saberlo en los comentarios.
¡Aun así espero sea de su agrado y les agradezco la visita!
On the other hand, I think my phone's camera is somewhat damaged because it records at a lower quality than it did when I first bought it. If you can't perceive the steps very well, I would like to know in the comments.
I still hope you like it and thank you for visiting!
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