Hello my fellow needleworkers, it is sunday and i hope we are all good? So i made this cap finally and i have been gigging i could not even wait i had to make this post as soon as i possibly could because why not
A few days back i started making this hat and i got caught up with work and i could not finish but i finished finally and i want to tell you the process of making this pretty little hat.
At first i wanted to make a bucket hat because i do not own one but as i was making it i came across a picture of someone that had this on her head and i was like “oh i have always wanted to make this particular design” so i just braced myself and went on with making it.
I did not want it to be one color so I just used a lighter and darker shade of one color and when I got to the body I just made rows and rows til I got my desired length.
To the more serious part, yeah recently I have been having a creative block and I'd like to hear a few ideas on how to get over it.
I have not been on here for a white because the “want” to make any piece, or cloth or shoe r anny thing is not coming to me at all and honestly it is exhausting because i want to make fine designs and pieces but then picking up a hook and working it is not so easy to do right now
I know maybe one or two people here have probably experienced this so I would love to at least hear your opinions and also test run them if they would help me out.
I have already tried taking some time off and i did that for weeks but so ferret didn't change anything
Also tried not to rush into forcing myself to do big projects and worked my way through smaller projects and i felt like it was helping til it
all went downhill so a new approach would be deeply appreciated by me and i would drop a feedback and tag you in my next writing i i tried out your technique
I took a few pictures of this hat on me and I'm definitely keeping it for myself.
The color and everything matches with my skin so well and my mom had her eyes on it too.
I’m really glad that this came out good on my first try. I would try a different pattern of this thought .
I just wanted to test out the basics of this design before I explore other patterns and stitches.
Thank you for reading through this and commenting too. Muahhh.
Things I used to make it:
*4.0mm hook
*3 40g balls of yarn
Ps: these pictures belong to me and we’re taken with my mobile device.