The Three Hour Crochet Corset Top

in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago


Hello everyone, I’m so excited to show and tell you all about this crochet corset top which means a lot to me. So somewhere around March, a friend of mine saw that I was learning how to sew and she became inspired to also learn a skill which made me so happy.

She told me she wanted to learn professional makeup but was scared she wouldn’t be good at it. I honestly didn’t know how to help her because after I everything I said, she still wasn’t ready to go after her dream. I told her I was going to crochet anything she wants and at anytime on the condition that she actually learns the skill.

Anytime I asked her about it, she changed the subject so I took it she just didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Somewhere in December, she called me to meet her and I was surprised to see that she actually learned how to do makeup. She even used my face to experiment and I was impressed.

She told me it was time to hold my end of the deal so I asked her what she wanted and she chose the same corset top I made some weeks ago. She also gave me the date she wanted it but I forgot. The night before the d-day, she texted me and that was when I remembered. Thankfully, I already had the yarns so I stayed up all night trying to get the perfect blend for the top.


I couldn’t wake up early that day and when I checked the time, I had about three hours to finish the corset top and 30 minutes to deliver it to her. Thankfully, nobody was at home that day so I locked myself up in the living room and focused 100% on the corset top. It was my second time making the top but because I was working on a deadline I couldn’t even remember how to start. Part of me wanted to tell her I wouldn’t be able to do it but another part of me also didn’t want to disappoint her.


I relaxed, put on some music and that was the best 3 hours of my crocheting life. I finished the top and it was just perfect. The hardest part was joining the bra cups together. It took so much time.


The colour blend made so much sense because I knew it would match with her skin color.


She called me to ask if I was on my way and by that time, I hadn’t even started the ruffle part so I took my materials along and finished it in the car. When I got to her place, I crocheted the lace for the back and I was done.








She was so happy and each time she smiled, I felt fulfilled. She said she thought I wouldn’t be able to do it because she knew how busy I was. So seeing that I still brought it meant a lot to her. All that while, I still hadn’t even realized that I did the top in 3 hours until she asked me how long it took to do it and then I opened my mouth in awe.

I know I already said I was happy doing this top but anytime I remember that my friend learned a skill just because she saw that I was learning how to sew, I get all smiley. It means a lot to me that I’ve been able to impact someone close to me through needlework.

Images are mine


This corset looks so cute on your friend and I can see from the pictures that she is really happy with it too! And, speaking of pictures, I love your new profile pic!!

Yeah she really was☺️
Aww thank you, Chloe ❤️
I’m glad you love it☺️

Beautiful. I'm glad you both felt happy about sharing your experiences.
Very nice photographs.

Thank you

This is so beautiful and unique i love the style

Thank youu

Such a touching gesture to help people achieve their dreams with a gift to crown it all, you have done well dearie. The top looks stealable and she complimented it with her beauty. Continue to enjoy genuine friendship

Stealable? 😂😂
I thought no more stealing this year 😂
Thank you, Monica

So beautiful, the colour matches her skin tone perfectly as well, so you crocheted this in 3 hours? 😮 Amazing!

I know right the skin and the color ☺️
Yes I did, thank you Glory☺️

This is a beautiful project and suits the model very well. The fit looks just right for her, which is what you want to achieve in this type of fitted corset. I love it, I would wear it too ❤️.

Yes, exactly what I wanted to achieve.
Thank you so much ☺️
I’m glad you love it.

Awwww I love love this 😍. It compliments her so well and the joy she radiates from that laughter, plus the Melanie of her skin just got everything on bling bling 😍😍😍

Thank you biggest baby😘


Wow wow wow this is impressing, I feel like I was the one you were making this master piece for, but then 3 hours hmm

Hi @abenad ,how beautiful the corset looks on you, I love the colour.

That’s not me though. Thank you.