The Survivors

in Reflections11 months ago

While working in the farm today (since we are in farming season, I might likely talk more about the farm these days 😃), I noticed that some of the maize seeds had planted more than a month ago had germinated and was growing very well. I was shocked. “So, it survived!”

The reason for the shock is because after I planted that batch of seeds, the rain paused for so long that one would expect any seed planted that time to survive.

Surviving The Harsh Conditions

Every seed requires an adequate supply of water for it to germinate. We who farm do know that one of the conditions for germination is water. That is why planting is done mainly in the rainy season (except one wants to venture into irrigation farming). These seeds weren't to be blamed for not germinating, as a matter fact, most of them had died and I wasn't expecting anyone to germinate.

The surviving seeds actually fought the war of life. Their emergence from the soil under such unfavorable conditions taught me that despite the harshness we might be experiencing, I must be determined to survive and thrive. The rain wasn't altogether blank, its frequency wasn't just enough to support plants germination and growth. But these few survivors used the little irregular droppings and fought for their lives. Now they are alive when others are dead gone.

There have been outcries everywhere in our country, lamenting the high inflation and economic hardship. Some people put the blame on the government. Others resort to suicidal thoughts. There are complaints everywhere but looking at these young plants, I realized that we sometimes have to brace up and face whatever challenges are before us with courage.

The Negligibly Few

No matter how hard the condition is, there are always survivors. Why it looks like the whole lot suffers is because the surviving lot is very small. Do you understand that at the very leak of the pyramid only one person can stand. Those who succeed are not the masses, they are the few. Shouldn’t I choose to be the one who comes out successful even if everyone fails? Shouldn't I leave the doomed masses behind and navigate my way to greatness and self realization?

This farmland is a bit large. I had planted the maize then tried to beat it up with time so that they would be the first harvest in the community. (First harvest sells well). But the rain disappointed me. I had thought I had lost all that lot but what a surprise! These few stands won't give anything tangible compared to what the whole farm would have given. But these surviving seeds give me a lesson for life.

Be The Survivor

Leave the lamenting masses behind, be the single one who will survive whatever is killing your community now. You do not share destiny with the failures. Blame game won't help your destiny; take the bull by the horns. Try to use the little available to you and make something out of it. Look for a way if they say that there is no way. Believe in your ability to navigate through the economic hardship. You can be the survivor; you can come out brighter and better.
Be the Survivor

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