Keep Your Head Up!

in Reflections11 months ago

The world is the stage; you are the main actor, and every other person is a spectator. Nothing matters when it comes to you, your life and your destiny than only you. Your story will only have you as the main subject, no other person. Fulfilling your purpose does not have an option, it is just what you must do. So, be the best that you can be; do the best that you can do; strive and thrive to get to the peak of your ambition.

Ignore Every Uncooperating Symptom

Things will happen around you from every angle. When you want to make money, you might kick on failure, poverty and hardship. Ignore them and keep pursuing your purpose of making money.

If you desire to marry the person who you love and choose, many other people will cross your line. They will try to change your mind. Ignore them! It is only your joy and satisfaction that matters to you. Refuse people's suggestions and persuasion if you know they won't work for you.
Keep your head up!

Stay Focused, Face Your front

The direction is right in front of you. Your dreams and visions are right before you. Do not look down. If you look down, you will see discouragement. Stay focused!
Do not turn sidewards either to the right or to the left. If you turn sidewards, you will see discouraged folks, you will see distractions, you will see the wrong options. Face your front!
Do not turn backwards. When you turn backwards, you are saying to the entire world that you are giving up. When you give up, your hope and ambitions are all dead.

Because you really want to become what you want, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!


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Thank you for being a friend who encourages

Welcome. 😊