My uncle used to say that common sense was the least common of the senses, if it existed there would be no war, and he was quite right, basically because many of the decisions we make have no rational basis or foundation. We live surrounded by stimuli that always appeal to our emotionality to make us buy a product, vote for a candidate, eat a certain cereal or wear a certain shoe. Almost always, we do so without stopping to think about it.
The absence of common sense is something that is cultivated with great care, it is a pandemic from which no one can escape, and few realize, despite its name, common sense is the least common of all. If it existed, how would wars, hunger, ignorance, poverty, backwardness, drugs, exploitation, hierarchies, royal families, religions, manipulation, unemployment, lack of housing, culture, knowledge, medical care and everything else that also does not work is the result of the absence of common sense and if it exists, it is little used.
Because in everyday life, in all countries, it is common that a few know a lot, many know little, a few have privileges, the vast majority have none, a few have influence, privileges and power values, the rest have grievances and problems. Reality shows that every day that passes more wealth is transferred to fewer hands, and the difference is abysmal. I would like someone to explain to me where is common sense, because the truth must be invisible, since I certainly do not see it anywhere.
Therefore, I believe that common sense does not exist, at least not with the meaning usually attributed to it: to act or judge things reasonably. Since few people act or judge things reasonably we tend to do so emotionally. Rarely do our decisions involve rational effort and, when we do, we rarely bother to think about the consequences, and perhaps that is why the vast majority of us are so manipulable.