It's the last day of the year and it's always a good idea to look back and review what I've achieved during the year and if what I've achieved matches my plans I set at the beginning of the year.
To be fair, I had to look up my old post, to see what I planned to do in 2024 😂 as I had no idea. I mean I had a vague, general idea, but could not remember the specifics. It is bad, I know but not worries and you'll see why.
This was the post in which I shared my plans for 2024 and this are the major points I wanted to focus on:
- health, before anything else,
- invest in my education,
- learning better time management.
Now let's see how much I accomplished of this lost.
Health, Before Anything Else
Just went back and read what I wrote almost one year ago and ... oh boy! I failed this one miserably.
I started the year well, started my no sugar challenge and went without the white poison for a month, then I was back to my old habits. Right before writing this post, I had ice cream and I have cake and chocolate in my storage room, so you can't say my focus is on no sugar diet. Did I lose weight? Nope. What I lost, gained back, so I'm back to square one.
In December I started a diet and did well for two weeks, then Christmas came and I deviated from my plan. Obviously it's easy to say Christmas (or any other celebration) happens only once a year, but this is just as an excuse as any other, to not stick to the plan and excuses are the reason why I am where I am with my health. There's always an excuse, why you can't stick to your plan and you think if you can convince yourself that the deviation is justified, then it's ok. Well, it's not!
I'm considering 2024 a total failure from this point of view and trust me, knowing you wasted 365 days is not a good feeling.
Invest In My Education
Without wanting to looks full of myself, I think it's safe to say I aced this one and can't have any complaints. I can say I made the biggest progress in trading and also got a trading partner, which is a huge achievement, for several reasons.
Starting from the end of February, I had three live trading session every week, which lasts usually at least two hours. To be able to attend, I need to reorganize my daily schedule and prioritize the live session, because it's an unique opportunity to learn and practice.
The progress I made is amazing, I can't even believe I am where I am today with trading. My goal was (still is) to master scalping as that's a strategy you can use regardless of the market phases and can give me a golden opportunity during the bear market, when most of the people are losing the money they made during the bull run.
Finding a trading partner is something most of the experienced traders recommend doing, but it's not easy. Not because there are so few traders out there, but because each trader has their own strategy and system and you need to find one that thinks and works similar to how you work. I'm a scalper first, and a swing trader second. My trading partner is also both and I'm lucky to be able to discuss the markets, levels and trade with him every day. It helps a lot in having a second opinion, a different approach to what the markets are doing.
Learning Better Time Management
There's no tool to measure my progress in this regard, but I think what I achieved is satisfactory. Being in trading makes you more disciplined or on the contrary, makes you lose control if you are too greedy and have no balance in life.
I knew what this work implies and knew the only way to make it is to have a tight schedule. Having fixed trading sessions mean you have to organize your schedule accordingly and you can only do that if you're disciplined.
2025 will be even tougher, so perfect time management will be even more important.
What Else Have I Been Doing? (Or Not Doing)
Unfortunately, everything comes at a price. To be able to trade and study meant giving up my love for art, or putting it on hold, to be precise.
Blogging regularly was also not possible, due to lack of time and I shifted my focus to technical analyses on $HIVE mostly.
Traveling was also out of the question. Trading gives me the freedom I need, to work from wherever I want and I love that, but this year I chose to save my energy and stay in one place, to be able to focus more on education and don't regret it.
Yes, I had to make some sacrifices, but there was something I finally did, that means a lot and will have an impact on my future mentality. Finally, I decided to reevaluate the role of the things I don't need/use anymore and get rid of them. This seems a small thing, but it isn't. It's not just a physical thing, it's mentality shift and was much needed. I think differently now and I don't think I'm going to save so many things I don't use anymore and threat all my stuff with more efficiency. This refers to solving problems too. Not carrying so much baggage with you makes your life much easier in my eyes.
I don't want to write a novel and the rest of the things I've done are of personal nature, so it's time to finish my post.
I'd like to wish you all Happy New Year, all the best and let's make 2025 a better year than 2024. That's the only way we can evolve in life!
Happy New Year everyone!!!

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