Initially I had a different topic for today, but things can change quickly and it's better if you adapt, which is why I'm writing this post now. Maybe I can raise awareness and change a few minds or ... just write it out.
The phenomenon I'd like to write about today is not new, but it's getting worse and worse and if it continues like this, it's going to be the new normal, which would be catastrophic, I can guarantee you that.
It wasn't always like this. There were times when people were humble, modest and ready to do things without expecting something in return, or help others out of the goodness of their heart. I can solemnly swear that those times are long gone and if you can still experience it at times, that's only in small and remote places where people still know what real value in life is.
All I see today is self absorbed, calculated and opportunist people, who's main goal is to outperform their neighbors (figuratively speaking), not because it is needed and it'd be good for them, but because they want to make them jealous or envious and are willing to go to any extent just to achieve their goal.
Unfortunately, due to my work, I spend a fair amount of time each day on a social media platform that used to have as logo a nice blue birdie. That's where most of the participants in my line of work are and that's also the place where you get the most news, fast. Checking what's the latest is what I do every morning and several times during the day and so do others. It's a good place to get informed and get the pulse and sentiment of the market, but it is just as bad and toxic in the same time, due to those people who want to be right all the time, want to be proven right and want to be admired by everyone. The latter is the ultimate goal. It's as if they are driving energy from this and can't live without it. It is very sad if it's true, I suppose they have an empty life if they need this so badly, that they made it their life goal.
You see them trying to predict where the market is going to go. For those of you who are not familiar with trading, there's always three possibilities: up, down or sideways, not necessarily in this order. If they are right, some of them make sure to drop an "I told you so" post, or what's even worse is guilt tripping others for not taking the call, and call out those who were unfortunate to indicate a different direction. Why? Why is this needed? What purpose such action can serve? Is their life going to be better by doing this? I highly doubt it.
Remember, technical analysis is not about forecasting price, but about reacting to what price does.
This is a sentence I post with every analysis because that's the truth. Many think an analyst's job is to predict where price is going to go. It is not. It's all about what you do, how you react in certain market conditions. You can be the best caller and still mess up your chance to make money if you get emotional and don't stick to your plan.
So the big question is, why is it so important to glorify your own self and attack others? Why? What purpose does such action serve? Feed your ego?
The next topic is going to bring me a bunch of judgement, but I don't care. I'm here if you want to throw stones at me.
Usually I keep my private life to myself because this part of life is called private for a reason, but today I'm going to deviate from it a little.
I lost my mom years ago to a cruel illness and I miss her every single day. The hardest times are family events, holidays and I am always thinking she's not able to enjoy these moments with us, she's not able to see her teachings have great results. I would give years of my life to bring her back and would give her everything I possibly can, to see her happy, enjoying life, if it would be possible.
Unfortunately I'm not the only one who has lost one or more family members. In every family there's someone missing and with time, there will be more. We each live life differently and often I hear people complaining of their parents not being around, so they can get moral support from them or help in day by day life. Again, we each live life differently, but how the hell can people be so selfish? Wishing your mom or dad would be still with you to help you? Or so you can complain to them about how difficult your life is? Is this why you need them? For your own selfish reason? How about wishing they would never went through the suffering they went through before passing and wishing they would still have a good few years to live happily and enjoying life the fullest? How about wishing you could have time to spend with them and make sure make their remaining time on this planet a dream?
So how far can selfishness go? What's happened to people? Where did things go so horribly wrong?
With the latest technology everyone with a smartphone has access to any social media platform, post what they please, and possibility to connect with whoever they want, but most of them only care about showing off and feed their ego with fake Likes.
What's happened to emotional balance and real values? I suppose both are going to disappear soon. Selfishness and showing off is all that's going to matter. Nothing more. Selfish people are going to get more selfish and genuine people with real values less and less. The new normal.

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