Frozen Funds: Activities, Outputs, and Outcomes

in Reflectionslast month


Unless you have been living under a rock this weekend, you probably saw the news that BlockTrades(BT) has upvoted the return proposal in the DHF(Decentralized HIVE Fund). This effectively defunded all proposals except the one by Ecency that has enough votes to surpass the return proposal.

I know a lot of people have a lot of opinions about the DHF and the current state of it. Personally, I think this is a good thing. For too long, we have seen how individuals or groups have taken advantage of the DHF for personal gain. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in some of the projects that are asking for money. I also think that many of them have their heart in the right place. Projects like PeakD, Ecency, HIVE Keychain, VSC, and some others have a vested interest in making the chain better and easier to use.

I also know that development comes at a price.

That doesn't mean you get a blank check.

Then there are others who are blatantly pilfering the DHF. Nonsensical proposals with buzzwords and faux humanitarian initiatives that are nothing more than shell companies laundering crypto from the community of HIVE to the pockets of a select few.


The news may have actually passed me by if it hadn't been for @steevc, I don't spend my time with the proposal section of HIVE open. @mrsbozz and I woke up on Saturday morning to our vehicle covered in ice. We spent a bit of time with our great niece and her sister and then we figured we should get on the road to start the 4 hour drive home. Due to rain, snow, sleet, and ice, it took us an extra hour to get home and we saw a fair number of accidents.

When we pulled into the driveway and I was finally able to check my phone, that's when I saw the news from @steevc on Discord that BT had upvoted the return proposal. Some people are skeptical that this will hold and they have a feeling some back room deal will happen to reverse things. Myself, I am hopeful that this is a new dawn for HIVE with a renewed oversight and accountability.

You should care about this.

I mean, I'm not telling you what to do, but this fund is controlled by the community and we have every right to say what we think should be funded and what we don't think should be funded. Groups in turn should be open and honest with us to prove why they are needed, not bicker and retaliate when people ask the tough questions.

Part of my job as a technology administrator is to write and apply for grants for my organization and department. I've been doing this for a fair number of years and I have written a large number of grants in that time. Do you want to know what they all have in common?

If you guessed oversight and accountability, you win. In many cases, we have to show receipts and measurable outcomes for the project. If you don't use all the money or meet all of those requirements, you have to give the money back.


In fact, I just applied for a grant the other day and they had this bit of wording in their application that I felt fit really well here.

"When it comes to grant proposals, funders care about outcomes, which are different from activities and outputs. An activity is a specific thing you are planning to do as part of your program. An output is the number of times you do that activity, or the number of people it serves. An outcome is the broader change that occurs as a direct result of your program activities."

And then this just to clarify a bit more:

"In short, activities are plans; outputs are counts; outcomes are changes. Here is an example:
An activity is hosting a series of workshops to teach seniors how to do chair aerobics at home. The output is hosting six exercise workshops for 30 seniors. The outcome of this program might be an improvement in balance and activity for 80% of the participants within the next three months."

I don't think it's totally unreasonable that we have some kind of metric by which to measure what is being accomplished by these proposals that might potentially get funded. Sure, I know in the past there have been proposals that have claimed to have onboarded a bunch of users or introduced HIVE to "x" number of users, but if the data isn't supporting it, then the funding should go away.

Just like vote rewards aren't yours until the post pays out, these funds aren't yours either. You are stewards of these funds to help grown and improve the HIVE blockchain.

If that isn't our goal anymore, then maybe we have bigger issues...

As many others have said, I think we need to have some kind of oversight with these proposals and along with that some kind of rubric with which to measure them and determine if they are meeting the expectations that were promised.

If you read many of the proposals, they have the Activities and Outputs parts down, and then they fall short when it comes to Outcomes.

I'm interested in outcomes!

  • Edit, It appears BT has already removed their vote from the return proposal, so all previously funded proposals are back in the "green" (for better or worse). I still stand by what I wrote here today. We need oversight and we need checks and balances. I'm actually sad to see this didn't last a bit longer, but many people expected this would be the ultimate result.

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As I have said repeatedly all over Hive and Discord, currently every single proposal—even the good ones—have zero accountability and are simply "trust me, bro".

That is recipe for failure and for an environment built on corruption. It doesn't help that you can almost see the wink wink on the bad proposals.

Yeah, it is definitely pretty blatant these days. They just keep getting away with it though. Even with people calling more attention to it.

Except for mine. It does precisely what it means to. ;-)

Yes, exactly! Yours is the only one that does that!

There should be a lot more oversight of what gets funded, and accountability of what gets done.


Couldn't agree more. Right now the DHF and the way it exists is one big sham

The sad thing is pretty much everyone knows it, but nothing changes.

I thought the vote was removed pretty quickly. But it shows how much one account or even a handful of accounts (can) control the ecosystem.
Quite how the value plan gets $10k a day is beyond my paygrade.

Hope your weather picks up, I was just on coinjoe's post thinking yeah we don't get as hot summers as you guys but neither do we snow and as cold winters as you!

Stay warm and have a gerat week.

Michigan is pretty good in that we get a good mix. We might have a couple days in the summer where it jumps over 100 degrees, but it doesn't usually stay there very long.

But it shows how much one account or even a handful of accounts (can) control the ecosystem.

We have a good-sized middle class of orcas and dolphins that hold the majority of stake: there is no reason for one or a few accounts to control anything.

If that is the case, then that is surprising that one account can have such an impact. I guess the majority of that middle class doesn't vote.

About 158m HP and another 17m liquid HIVE (about 60% of the supply) is held by the top 2,500 accounts holding HP. I was looking to see how much of that is active, but I couldn't quickly find it 😂.

Really helpful that you set out the detail and definitions for reporting - as much for people trying to understand proposals as for those submitting them.

It's something that needs to be put in place.

It's too bad they didn't leave it in place much longer. There needs to be accountability when money is given out, and when there are no metrics to prove that they are accomplishing what they proposed the money needs to dry up. It's being used as a personal slush fund by far too many individuals that don't benefit us as a whole community here on Hive.

In the real world if you get a grant and don't perform the money goes away, and if you misused the money they can throw you in jail. We need accountability and verified receipts when money is given out. I'm with you all the way on this one!

Thanks, I appreciate it. I know for a while there crypto was kind of like the wild west, but things are starting to have a lot more clarity and implications now. We need to carry that over into our community here as well.

It certainly stirred things up and I hope more people will consider voting. You have to build a stake to have a say.

I've never had a car get that frozen, but we used to have problems at times back when we needed to use a key to unlock the doors. The locks would freeze up sometimes. That's a reason to have a garage. These days I don't drive to work, but it was annoying back when I wanted to make an early start.

My wife gets to keep her car in the garage. My truck stays outside. We were down at her sisters though, so we had to park on the street. It was some nasty ice. I will be writing more about it the rest of this week.

Thanks for opening my eyes

My pleasure.

Thank you for sharing your concerns.

Thanks for reading!

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I think that we need more oversight I hate seeing people leeching rewards.

I agree.

It was awesome collecting $10,000 a day for a while …. For doing nothing …. Oh well … what a joke. Value plan ??? Seriously . So many scams going on for 5 Years now with DHF

I have been downvoted for 2 years for calling out these scams.

Hive needs a DOGE to clean out all the scammers

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