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RE: Week 6 - end of the challenge - but the START OF MORE!

in Ecencylast year

Congratulations on the DREEM journey if I am allowed to put it that way and the rest of the things you accomplished. It's kind of you to build a place for the animals to live even though they are experiencing a loss at the moment, I am sure they are moved by your kindness @dreemsteem.

I am already underestimating myself because I feel I have a lot to learn and to cover so I can fully understand this place and gain exposure. This week, every step of the way, I want to put that into perspective as I write, read, and learn from older users.



ahhhh don't underestimate!! hehehe

you have gifts and abilities that no one else in all the world has!

just start to identify them and tap into them

no step is too small! I know that sounds cliche's true!

the smallest step can be huge when it gets you in don't feel intimidated.

just do something for your own dreem journey today! you can do it!!!❤️

and....let me say I admire your desire to learn!!!

there are so many people who can help you to grow here!

and many who can't! lol

the trick is finding genuine people who care and connect and then building a tribe with them!

happy that you're here to learn and grow!!! dont rush anything, it will come slowly

I'm here for 7 years now and I'm still learning things hahaha

it will come...just take baby steps and HAVE FUN while you're doing it !!

steer clear of toxic people also....they will suck your joy out of this so fast !!

hope that helps!!

You have been here for 7 years and still learning? This is the exact thing Miss KittyGirl said to me in The Terminal. If you all are still learning then I need to calm down. With time it will all make sense as long as I don't stop trying to learn about them.

Thank you for both your comments and encouragement. I am presently finding my way around Dreemport and I am watching the 9-minute video you created for newbies like us. Thank you for that too @dreemsteem

I've known @thekittygirl a very very long time hahaha. she is a GREAT person to know!! very helpful and loving.. the Terminal is a wonderful place for newbies to learn !!!

and yes...hehehe definitely take your time and calm down hehehe

you will learn and grow as you're here. be humble, be kind, be willing to learn, and be patient

and you'll have a much better time! hahaha


That's the right definition of her. She was amazing to me.

I will do all of these

Thank you ma'am

oh and if you need help with DreemPort... come tag me or Sam in the discord server!

once you do it once'll see how easy it is!!! hehe

I am already bombarding you all with questions on the server. lol.

Yes, I met Sam yesterday


@mcyusuf and @penderis are usually in the server to help also...if Sam and I don't respond quickly!😊


Alright 😍