Getting into the adventure of March...

in Ecencylast year


In February, I was very specific about what I wanted to achieve and I was willing to make the sacrifice necessary to achieve that which I wanted. Now that the month has come to an end, I'm glad I was able to go through the month while living on the terms I set.

February wasn't glittery, but it's a fairly decent month and as we get into this weekend which marks the beginning of a new month, guess what I will be doing; relaxing, planning, setting goals for March and working harder than I did in February.

Time sure doesn't wait for anyone and this year has so far been a good testament to that. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago when we celebrated the New Year? And, we are already in the last month of the first quarter of the same year. Yeah! Time is flying and it doesn't hurt to aim towards getting things right while we go through the adventure of each new page of our life.

Would special events be coming up this Month?

Yeah! Off the top of my head, one of the special event I can think of that's coming up this month is Eastern Celebration. We've been in this Lenten season for about 3 weeks already and it's been an interesting experience for me. I haven't been fasting all day, but I make up for that with some other things that I consciously deprive myself of.

This year's holy Week will kick off from 28th February which is Holy Thursday until Easter Sunday which is interestingly happening on 31st, the last day of March. There is no arrangement being made in my parish right now about a live display of the Passion of Christ. We may not get to do that this year, since we did it last year. So, 29th March which is Good Friday would be done in a more theoretical way.

Another event that will be coming up this Month is the March edition of The Thinker's Corner Challenge. This is a challenge I started running this year as a monthly Challenge where people are encouraged to get into deep thoughts and share those unconventional thoughts with us in their entry to the prompt of the challenge.

The February Edition was our Valentine edition and I'm genuinely excited about what this March edition would be. Keep your eyes open because the announcement post will go public next week. Check that out and get into the Thinker's Corner with us.

This Month is also my birthday month although I've never been loud about my birthdays. This will likely be the only time you will hear me mention it for the rest of the month. Haha. God willing, it will be a day that's worth the Birthday vibe. I sure want to enjoy the day.

Seems like an event-packed month, right?

I plan to take things one step at a time. I hope you do the same as you enjoy this new month.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash.


Happy Early Birthday!

Recognizing the importance of another year spinning around the sun is worthy of celebration.


Thanks so much for your kind wishes. Hehe. It's a moment worth enjoying.