[Self Development] Morning Routine for a Productive Day

in Ecencylast month

I have already told you that this year I decided to do my best and work hard on self-improvement. 2 weeks ago I started a 30-day challenge, and I already see the results.

I believe that one of the most important parts of the self-improvement process is how you start the day. And these days I am trying to follow some basic activities that I find important, and which give me energy.

Today I want to share my morning routine that helps me start productive during the day.

#1 Wake Up Early🌅

I try to wake up before 7 a.m. every morning, especially on days when I don't have to go to work early.
At first, it was difficult. But my goal is to train my body to wake up at 5:30 AM. To achieve this, I plan to wake up 10 minutes earlier every 7 days.

#2 Hydrate & Refresh

After I wake up, I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I do some short stretching and a plank. When I started the plank challenge, it was hard to do it even for 30 seconds, but now I can stand for 1 minute! I am so proud of myself! When the weather gets warmer I plan to start jogging in the park. But I can't promise I will do it...
Then I drink a glass of water and prepare the breakfast.

#3 Breakfast

I consider breakfast the most important meal of the day. These days, I eat toast or an oat shake, and of course, a cup of coffee. I am addicted to coffee.

#4 Check the plans

I plan every day, and usually, I plan a week or at least a day. So, every morning I check my plans for the day. I decide what I should do in the first part of the day, and what I can postpone.

#5 Treat myself

I have a list of things that make me happy or inspire me, and when I finish any task, I treat myself. For example, I can treat myself with a cup of coffee. Before starting the 30-day challenge, I was buying myself some sweets.

What to do if you feel sleepy, distracted or tired

It is impossible to work non-stop. Our body needs to rest from time to time. I don't like afternoon naps, but if you do, you can have a short nap.

  • I do a short stretching or if it is possible, I go outside for a short walk.
  • Sometimes, I watch something interesting on YouTube or listen to a podcast.
  • Also, I can call my friend.
    There can be many different options, so try to find the one that best works for you.

Thank you.
Your Iris.

I started learning AI-generating images, so all images used in the post are generated by myself using the AI tool.